Chapter 16: Rise of the Queen of the Darklands. The United Kingdoms' last Stand

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All Luigi could do was hang there, having been chained to a wall. He couldn't feel anything, other than pure fear. Recently, he started hearing bangs and muffled screams he couldn't make out. King Boo let out a loud cackle, sending Luigi deeper into his fear struck state. "Looks like the party arrived. Can't wait to get this place livened up with me new portraits." The ghost opened his mouth revealing his large, sharp teeth and his long purple tongue.

The ghost produced to drag the long appendage across the plumber's face and body while Luigi groaned, cringed and wiggled uncomfortably. Pulling the tongue back in his mouth the ghost king got up in the scared man's face. "Maybe I'll reconsider putting you up in a painting... for a while." King Boo proceeded to leave the room, a scared Luigi unsure of what he meant by those words.

"Bowser... Mario... Dove sei?"


Mario grunted as he got knocked into a tree by a kick. "Oh, come on, Red!" Mr. L taunted wiping some blood off his face. "I thought you'd have more fight in you. Don't you want to save your pathetic brother?" This made Mario mad and charged in, is firehand activate as he threw fire punches and fire balls. "Mio fratello is not pathetic! He's the kindest, courageous, gentlest, bravest soul I've never had the honor of calling my brother!" His fireballs got bigger and more hotter Mr. L was finding it a bit difficult to dodge.

"You may be him, but your not him." Mario kept in his offensive attack, hopping to keep L busy. Meanwhile, Bowser and the Koopalings had made it inside the mansion, Ludwig leading them down a variety of halls. All the Koopalings decided to move on their own, not wanting to weigh their father down with all his heavy armor, as much as he insisted he was fine. "How much farther is it?" Wendy and Larry asked. It felt like they've been searching for hours.

"Shh!" Iggy shushed them as they all crammed into a nearby room as two ghost floated past, presumably patrolling for intruders. They family took a breath of relief. Ludwig wasted no time quietly reopening the door to see if the coast was clear. Motioning to his family to follow, he quietly raced out the room back on the the trail.

Racing up more stairs and down more halls, Ludwig stopped. "The spell says he's here but there's nothing in this hallway." He stamped his foot in a frustrated huff. "You did your best son. We wouldn't have been able to find him." Bowser put his hand on his shoulder. Everyone started looking around only to find nothing. They're were almost close to giving up, when Lemmy came up with a idea. "Wait. We haven't checked everywhere." He said, summoning his balance ball. Looking at him confused, the family let him go on. With a running start, he jumped into a cartwheel into a somersault, he bounced off his ball and off Bowser's shoulder and onto a part of the ceiling where Ludwig said the spell lead them.

With a good double kick, he popped open the spot and it revealed a attic space. When Lemmy landed back on his ball on both feet his arms out to stick his landing, and a enthusiastic "Ta da!", the attic pull stairs came down for them. With a round of applause, he made his ball disappear with confetti and bowed.

"See, Ludwig. You were right! We just gotta go up!" Lemmy said as he was the first to bound up the stars silently with Larry and Junior hot on his heels. The others went up, with Ludwig and Bowser bringing up the back. Taking cover behind some boxes, the family saw Luigi, chained up to the wall and passed out. "Lu!" Bowser ran up to go get him, but then the floor started changing and out of nowhere, a blast of purple energy hit him in the chest plate, knocking him back.

King Boo appeared out of nowhere and laughed. "Oh, Bowser. Did you really think I'd let you take away my prized enemy and possession?" He floated in front of Luigi, revealing his long purple tongue to the koopas. "Boo, release him right now!" Bowser growled standing in front of his kids, each having both the look of slight fear, yet ready to fight. "Oh, now why would I do that?" The ghost king taunted. "This is just the start. I will gain control of three kingdoms when I lock their monarchs in paintings, then the rest of the world!"

"Not if we have anything to say!" Roy and jumped up and covered his fist in magic in a attempt to punch the ghost but King Boo hand used his power to block Roy, just so close of getting a hood hit in. The force of King Boo breaking his shield knocked him backs landing on his shell in front of his father. Bowser waisted no time locking and loading his bazooka, comically called a Bowzooka, when it was given to him, and launching a shot at the ghostly king.

King Boo used his powers to warp the room, making the floor uneven and jagged. This sent everyone spreading out. Junior dove behind a section of the floor that made good cover. He watched as his siblings and father attempted to hit the ghost king but only ended up getting thrown off by his powers. He then looked and saw Luigi. With determination in his eyes, he grabbed the bag of power ups from Larry, who had taken cover nearby, gripped his brush and ran over to his mama using the distorted ground as cover.

Bowser was getting more and more angry as this battle went on. His Bowzooks was knocked away from him by a blast from King Boo. Running up close best he could, he began throwing punches, claw swipes, and swinging his hammer. "Oh, Bowser. Why can't you just join me?" King Boo asked with a growing smirk. "We could rule the kingdoms, no, the world, no, THE ENTIRE GALAXY TOGETHER!" He exclaimed with a sharp toothed smile, it growing more and more crazed.

Bowser growled, getting a good punch, scratch and hammer swing in the king's face, sending him flying into a wall. "I would never want to rule the Galaxy with you. I've renounced my evil when I met my queen. You threaten our peace and for that I must eliminate you!" King Boo looked shocked for a second, then grew a angry look and blasted Bowser into a wall, creating a big hole and having some chunks of wall fall on him. "Dad!" Looking over, King Boo saw Junior, and immediately rushed towards him. Bowser was grunting to get up when he saw his enemy go after his son. "No!"

Before Boo could close the distance any more, Roy and Morton came in from the side and knocked the king off course. "Keep goin, kid!" Roy said. "We got ya back!" Taking off running to hit the ghost again. Morton looked back, nodded and ran off to join his brother. Junior took off, the rest of his siblings passing him by, all with words of encouragement. With steel focus he ran, dodging the ever warping ground.

Using the ground as platforms, Junior jumped to the wall, slung paint at the chains and in swift motions, managed to get Luigi down. Running into his mama before he fell, Junior attempted to catch him as the slid on the ground. "Mama! Mama! Cmon stay with me!" Junior pleaded as he rummaged through the bag of power ups and pulled out a mushroom. Carefully opening his mouth, he put the mushroom in Luigi's mouth and helped him chew and swallow.

Nothing happened what felt like a long time. Was he too late? Did the mushroom not work? Tears began to threaten their way out of his eyes when he saw the mushroom take effect, Luigi's body glowing slightly with the healing effect. Groaning softly, Luigi opened his eyes slowly. The first thing he saw was Junior trying to keep it together but his little hiccups and falling tears were going against him.

The little koopa instantly dove into Luigi's chest, letting his tears and sobs go. Luigi hugged him back. "Figlio mio, ringrazia le stelle. Are you okay?" Junior just nodded and wiped his tears. Crashes and fire flying brought them back to the present. "Let's go help your father and your siblings then we'll get emotional." With his own nod, Junior gave Luigi the bag of power ups and placed his hat back on its owner's head before gripping his brush and running off to rejoin the fight.

Running after him, he was startled when he saw Mario and Daisy come in and attempt to fight King Boo as well. Luigi saw the crack in the wall Bowser created and got a idea. Charging up a thunderhand, he struck some bolts by the ghostly king, gaining his attention, as well as the attention as everyone else. Bowser was overjoyed seeing his queen again, while Mario was overjoyed seeing his brother again.

King Boo growled. "How'd you get out?! No matter. I'll deal with you myself!" Rushing towards the plumber. Bowser, Mario and Daisy rushed to help but Luigi just jumped out of the king's way, striking him with a charged up punch and knock the ghost into the crack and right out the wall.

The rest of the team grouped up at the hole, to see the crater the ghost King created. Luigi handed out Tanooki leaves to Mario and Bowser. "Let's end this."

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