Chapter 18: Our Journey's Just Beginning

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Bowser was standing in his room, combing his hair to the side. Roy, Iggy, Lemmy and Ludwig had already gotten themselves ready and were helping their father finish his outfit. "Dad, you have to relax" Lemmy said helping his father comb down. "S'not so simple Lemm" Roy responded casually. "He's marrying Ma, and he wants to be perfect." Ludwig combed his own hair out. "Just stay calm father. Everything will go smoothly. Now I have to go check with the bands." Taking his leave, he left his brothers and Bowser, who had managed to get his hair down and his clothes straightened, ready to wed his mate.

Elsewhere in the castle, Luigi was sitting at a vanity with the help of Peach, Daisy and Wendy, getting his outfit together with Junior, Morton and Larry looking on. "I'm so nervous.." Luigi said tapping his foot nervously. "Mama, relax. Sure, Daddy is a bit rough around the edges but he means well." Wendy said as she painted his nails. Looking at himself in the mirror, he gently nodded. A small knock at the door caused them all to look.

Kamek peaked his head through the door. "Your majesty? Sorry to disturb but your brother wants you to see something." Looking amongst each other, Luigi stood and slid on the flats he was going to wear and walked towards the door. Junior tried to follow but Kamek stopped him. With a pat on the head and a reassuring smile, Kamek closed the door.

Walking into the room Kamek lead him to, he was greeted to the sight of his brother, and the rest of his family from Brooklyn. "Ma? Pa?..." Luigi couldn't believe it, they were all here. Uncle Arthur and Uncle Tony, Aunt Marie, Niece Nora, and grandpa. "Oh Lu! My big boy!" Ma was already had tears threatening to fall as she hugged him. "You were ever gonna tell us you were getting hitched nephew?" Uncle Arthur smirked. "Yeah, would've brought your mother's wedding dress!" Uncle Tony joked. Marie slapped both of them upside the head and both uncles responded with a "Hey!"

Luigi was still hugging his mother, Kamek standing just to the side, a smile on his face. "I asked Kamek to help me get them here." Mario said, putting a hand on his brother's shoulder. "They would've loved to see and give you away at your wedding, while ma joys at the fact she had grandkids." That made Ma instantly perk up. "Speaking of, where are my bambini piccoli?" Luigi chuckled and said, "They're still getting ready."

His dad suddenly got up and walked over, an unreadable expression on his face. "I may not agree with you marrying the guy who almost destroyed our city..." he started, Luigi having a small bundle of nerves overtake. "...but I do care about my boy's happiness." Luigi let out a needed sigh. "Mario says you managed to changed the guy. Even still, he hurts you, we'll put him in his place." With that he brought, Mario, Ma and Luigi into a hug. "Proud of you son."

"Lu, you sleeping with this guy yet? How's it fit?" Uncle Tony asked. "With how long you've been together, how are you still walking?" A collective "ugh" came from around the room, even Kamek, which earned the uncles another slap in the head from Marie.

After that Luigi had to usher off to finish get ready, the rest of the family went down to their seats. The koopaling had gone down to their seats, except for Ludwig, who was covering the music for the ceremony, and Junior, who hadn't left Luigi's side. Ma had immediately began to hug and kiss her new grandkids, them embracing the love from their grandmother on their human side.

Bowser stood at the alter, Kammy standing at a podium, being the officiant for the ceremony. Right on cue, Ludwig began to play the Bridal March, with his classical flare and elegance. With that, Luigi began his walk down the isle, his dad on his left, Mario on his right. Bowser was absolutely stunned. He managed to have Shelloise work with the ladies in the Lake Kingdom to make the wedding dress. It was a guttering green, with an emerald placed in the center. It gave off the look of both a suit and a dress. The lace gloves were the purest of white, holding a bouquet of lilies, fire flowers and ice flowers. Bowser couldn't have smiled any wider, finally being able to Mary his one true love.

Luigi almost stopped walking when he saw how dashing Bowser was. The suit he went for was similar to the one he used when he tried to marry Peach, but had it's differences. Instead of pure while, it was a dark black with a red button up shirt, his bands and chocker replaced with golden ones, his top hat black holding both his and Luigi's iconic logos.

Once up on stage, Luigi and Bowser faced each other. "You look beautiful, my love." Bowser said. "You look ever dashing, mi amore." Luigi replied. "Friends, Family, allies, thank you for coming" Kammy began. "We are gathered here today to bare witness to the union of Bowser Koopa and Luigi Mario in holy matrimony. The couple has written their own vows in preparation for this event."

Bowser fiddled his tie, and cleared his throat. "Luigi, before we met, I was in a dark place, both figuratively and literally." That gathered a chuckle from a few then he continued. "After what happened, I didn't know if I could love again. Then I realized, the person whom I was chasing wasn't out out of love. I didn't know what real love was till I met you, officially." There was a audible 'aww' that sounded like it came from Daisy. "With this marriage, I forever promise to keep you and our children happy, pave a better future for us and our kingdom."

"Bowser, mi amore, my journey with you has been the wildest ride of my life, and I've been traveling with an adventure hungry brother for years." This got a laugh out of people again then Luigi continued. "Part of me thought I'd never love. I always had crushes but never acted on them. But you were able to allow me to feel love. You gave me the chance of parenthood I never thought I'd get. I love you and I love our children and I vow to keep you close to my heart and aid in our kingdom's development, for the future to come.

Kammy bowed. "Thank you your majesties that was beautiful. Now for the rings." With that, Junior came out with a velvet pillow holding two rings, both silver with a Diamond sitting in the outer center. Holding the pillow up to both his parents, Junior gave the biggest smile he could. Both took a ring and said "With this ring, I pledge my heart to you."

The couple placed the rings on each other's fingers and held hands. "If anyone objects to this union, speak now." Moments of silence followed. "Then with the stars as our witnesses and the power in me, I hereby announce the union of King Bowser and Queen Luigi!" Kammy finished and with a flick of her wand, also aided with the help of Kamek and Lemmy, and professor E Gadd with his technology, fireworks were set off as the couple kissed.

Everyone went and cheered. Magic sparkles and flower petals rained down from magikoopa and paratroopas. Junior jumped into his parents arms, happy to have both a mama and a papa. The rest of the Koopalings came up with hugs and happy tears when Kylie Koopa came and gathered them together for a royal photo.

Now united, the kingdoms will see a bright future, happy allies, and a large, happy and healthy family. That's more than Bowser and Luigi could ask for, not that the king and the plumber have wed.

                              THE END

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