Chapter 17: Long Live The Royal Families!

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Luigi watched as Bowser powered up with the tanooki leaf, grabbed his kids and floated down the best he could. He was about to follow suit when Mario placed a hand on his shoulder. "Bro.." he began, his head tilted down, the brim of his hat covering his eyes. "I'm so sorry for leaving you there that day... and for the way I came back. I was a jerk and not paying attention to how you felt.." Daisy was listening in until Peach dragged her out for the boys to talk.

Mario was about to speak again but Luigi cut him off. "Bro, we'll talk about it later okay?" He said softly. "Let's focus on this first." With that, Luigi absorbed the tanooki leaf and fluttered down to the ground. Mario followed suit, ready to be by his brother's side again. Down on the ground, King Boo began to rise and began to see almost all his ghost have been captured.

The ghost king was about to get up and attack but a fire blast kept him down. Looking over, the Koopa king was keeping him pinned down. It's when the princesses and the brothers joined them on the ground, he blasted them with his crown, knocking away their power ups. Bowser managed to get the kids away in time. The boo laughed. "My ghost my be captured now," he began "but I will just release them again. I WILL take over the kingdoms! You will all perish in my paintings!" He bared his teeth, and lest out a ghostly roar "YOU HAVE FAILED!"

Luigi stepped up, confidence just radiating off him. "Ascolta, tu ghoul. You won't stop us from beating you" he declared. "I've captured you on my own. Now if got La mia famiglia by my side." Mario, Daisy, Bowser and Peach stood around Luigi ready to fight along side. Even the kids were ready to lend a hand.

With that declaration, the battle had begun. Mario ran up first, flinging fireballs around the ghost king, who just simply dodged and cackled. "Is that all you got, red?!" The ghost taunted. Mario just smirked as a orange hand fan and a closed parasol struck him from both sides of his face. Looking up, he saw Peach with the parasol open over her head and Daisy with the fan open, her stance ready to launch. "You talk too much" Daisy taunted moving her hand in the 'come on' gesture, while fanning herself a bit.

That small action riled the ghost king up he shot a energy beam from his crown that was countered with the combination of Mario's fire, Peach's heart magic and Daisy's flower magic. The trio split up and went around King Boo who lashed his tongue at them. Out of nowhere, he received three more blows to the face. Growling he turned to see who dared attack him this time. It was Roy, Wendy and Ludwig. "Just give up, King Boo." Wendy shouted as she tossed her rings around the ghost causing him to move.

"Like I'm taking orders from some adopted quote unquote 'princess' with subpar looks!" The koopaling princess gasped and her brothers stood in front of her growling, ready to defend their sister's honor. The ghost charged for the trio, but Luigi and Bowser intercepted him, focusing his attention on them. "Yokumo musume no koto o son'nafūni iu no ne!" Bowser growled and released a fire ball right in the ghost's face.

Kamek flew in on his broom. "Luigi! Catch!" Luigi looked over and the magikoopa used his magic to throw over a poltergust g-00, with Gooigi out helping everyone else. Luigi caught it, put it on and held it ready. Junior, along with Morton and Larry, managed to get King Boo in a position where everyone else proceeded to blast him with their respective powers.

Using his crown, he charged up a powerful blast knocking everyone away, creating larger cracks in the ground. Luigi was quick to get up, seeing the state everyone was in, charged with his thunderhand, called out to the ghost. "Boo! I'm over here! You want me? Come and get me!" He called as he ran off towards the cliff by the mansion. "You don't tell me about coming and getting you insignificant green speck!" He shouted, baring his sharp teeth. "I'm on the edge of coming, getting and taking over the world!" He then rushed towards the the plumber, finally ready to end this fight.

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