Chapter 3: Castle Koopa

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It had been two days since he found Luigi on his roof. Two days waiting for the human to wake up. Bowser had gathered his kids and his advisors in the living room to have a talk with them. "So, we have someone staying in the castle for a while." He began. "Unless instructed otherwise, you are not to hurt them." Roy, one of the elder ones was leaning against the wall arms crossed. "So what? Who's this guy anyway?" He asked. Most of the others began to bombard their father with questions, all busy Junior and Larry, who both are uncharacteristically silent.

Bowser left his kids to go check on his "guest and the rest of the castle. The Koopalings and Junior looked amongst themselves. Kamek and Kammy had left so the children were on their own. "So, who's the guest? Think it's Peach again?" Lemmy asked. Wendy shook her head. "Can't be. Mario came in and took her back. That guy's so mean." Roy punched his fist into his hand and growled. "Next time we meet 'im, imma beat him to a pulp!" He said triumphantly. Larry started to use his hands and start brushing his mohawk. Junior saw this and just got close to Larry.

Ludwig cleared his throat, getting the attention of his siblings. "Brothers and sister, it's clear we have an unknown person inside the castle." He began. "We must proceed with caution and follow father's rules-" "Aye shut up, Luddy!" Roy interjected. "No one tells me what to do. Move over squirts! Im gonna go lift." And with that, Roy left the room. Larry looked around and saw that Iggy slipped off somewhere during Ludwig's talking.

"You okay?" Looking up, Larry saw Junior, Morton and Lemmy, who were looking at him. "Yeah. I'm ok. I'm just worried about Mr. Green guy." Larry said truthfully. "You mean Mario's brother?" Lemmy said as he climbed up Morton's shell and sat on it. Larry nodded and Morton picked up Larry and gave him a huge hug. "Morton no like little brother sad! Morton make little Larry happy." And with that, Morton grabbed Junior and took them up to where their father's guest was staying. As they peered around the corner of the hall, they say a goomba carrying a tray in its head into the room with the help of a Koopa troopa.

Junior looked at his siblings. "Guys. Let's do some snooping! Find out who's in there." Lemmy took that as conformation and jumped off Morton's back, doing a series of cartwheels and flips and hung on top of the doorframe. When the door opened again, he managed to swing through without being noticed. When the two troops left, Junior made a rhythmic knock on the door and Lemmy opened it, bowing as he did so.

Once the brothers let themselves in, being as quiet as they can be the looked at the bed. Larry was the first one to gasp and attempt to get closer.

Mr. Green guy was here.

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