Chapter 15: Final Battle! The Beginning of The End! Part Two

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Mario watched as the ship landed next to the many others on the beach. He saw princess Peach and Bowser giving orders to multiple soldiers. The only time he stopped when all his children were gathered around him. Mario couldn't make out what they were talking about but he felt as if he didn't have to.

The princess' began setting up designated areas for medics and camps with the help of the troops while those in the recon party began to prepare for the trip. Junior stood at the edge of the beach, staring at the forest . It sprawled on for who knows how long, and it was so thick, it looked like a never ending darkness. Staring onto the path leading into the forest, he gripped his brush and held his mama's hat on his head.

Looking back, he saw his dad, the princesses, and Mario and all the troops gathered going over the plans while still setting up their temporary camp. This planning was taking too long in Junior's opinion. Why couldn't they rush in, go get mama back and rush out, destroying anyone in the way? But he knew they couldn't just charge in. King Boo wasn't someone to be underestimated.

Bowser watched as all the troops gathered to prepare to set out. He had made sure the troops had enough power ups and other supplies so they would be ready for any encounter. With the help of Iggy, the professor managed to make copies of the Poltergust and distributed them among the crew. Looking among his warriors and his newfound allies, Bowser felt prepared to go save his queen.

Two Koopa troopas, three Paratroopas, three Toads, Mario, Bowser and Daisy stood at the entrance. "My Army!" Bowser began, "Koopas, Goombas, Spinies! My allies! Today we march into battle to save our queen," the koopas cheered "our brother" Mario nodded "our friend" Peach and Daisy nodded in agreement while some toads cheered. Junior climbed up on his father's shoulder and said "My mother. My babbo. Our family."

The Koopalings fist bumped and hugged each other, cheering for their little brother. "The scout team will report back, the rest of us will travel in groups and surround the area." Turning around and taking the lead. "Move out!"

Spreading out, the teams stayed in the jungle, placing inconspicuous marks just in case one got lost they could find their way back to the airships. Mario insisted on going with Bowser's group. As did Daisy, Junior and the rest of the Koopalings.

It was a long while of silence when a paratroopa flew through the trees. "Sire! I have news." He landed and bowed, Bowser nodding at him. "Good. Out with it." "Team A has scouted the area of the mansion. It seems unguarded from the outside." Mario crossed his arms and shook his head "Quel fantasma is probably underestimating us." "Or they could be holding their army for when we get in their range." Peach piped up. The troopa saluted and flew off to return to his assigned team.

Junior just say on the top of his father's shell, when he heard a rustle in the bushes. Looking around, he hopped down from his spot and just started looking around. "What's wrong, son?" Bowser asked. Junior said nothing as he just looked around, just listening. Slowly, out the bush, a tall figure came out of the bush. Junior was the first to look over. "Mama?!" He exclaimed as he ran over and hug the figures legs.

Both Mario and Bowser were the first to look over. It was Luigi... or at least that's what they thought. Junior looked up and the figure was looking down at him, dawning a black hat with a green backwards L on it wearing a black mask. Junior looked into the eyes and he couldn't find nor see the calming sapphire eyes of his parent. Junior stepped back while Roy, Ludwig and Morton all stood protectively in front of him and the rest of his siblings.

"I am not your mother, child. I am the Green Thunder, the mighty Mr. L! Servant of the great King Boo!" After hearing that, Mario, Bowser and Peach all shared a collective groan. Having battled Mr. L before, they knew what he was capable of, but that it was still Luigi. "Cmon fratello. Drop that facade and let's go." Mario said walking up to him. Mr. L pulled an axe out on him and chuckled darkly. "Oh you poor red meatball." He gently pushed the axe onto Mario's neck, not enough to bring pain, but enough for him to feel the cold metal of the blade.

"Luigi isn't not here." He tossed Mario a camera. "My glorious king finally split me from that sniveling coward and I am now my own!" Bowser, Peach and Daisy gathered around to see the horrific images. This made them both scared and enraged. Mario instantly took out his own hammer and swing the axe out of the imposter's hands. "Oh you're no fun." Mr. L used his electric powers to make the axe magnetically return to his hands. "But at least this will buy him time to finish his plans." With a wide swing, Mr. L lunged and Mario countered it with his own hammer.

"You guys go! I'll deal with this!" Mario said after narrowly avoiding a axe chop to his head. The Koopalings were the first to rush through the rest of the bush with the princess Daisy and Bowser right behind them. Peach stayed behind to aid Mario. When they breached the forest, they were greeted with Toads, Koopas all battling ghost, trying to get them into the poltergust.

Junior waisted no time pulling up his mask, turning him into Shadow Mario and rushing through to get to the mansion. Roy and Morton were right behind him, Roy using his magic to make himself able to punch any ghost out the way and Morton using his hammer to bash all the ghost out of his way. "Father. While they clear the path, we can get to the mansion and they regroup with us later." Ludwig suggested. Bowser only nodded as he followed his three sons while carrying the rest of his children on his shell.

After clearing a path and breaking down the mansion front doors, Ludwig took the lead. The royal koopas followed him, ready to go and retrieve the queen.

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