Chapter 13: Finding the Professor and Gaining Allies

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The skies were clear, birds were singing, cheep cheeps were splashing in the lakes. Mario thought the view was peaceful, could've been more if he wasn't on a airship surrounded by Koopa troopas. "Your highness" That brought Mario out of his thoughts and saw the pilot address Iggy. "We are entering Mushroom Kingdom airspace. Currently en route to the home of the Mario bros." Iggy nodded and stepped closer to the pilot. "Excellent. Prepare for decent."

Turning towards the others he began dissing out instructions to the troops on board. Mario watched  as troops got into small groups and began briefings amongst themselves. The ship soon landed outside the brother's home. Mario was first to step off, suddenly flooded with memories of when they first came here. He watched as troops pushed past him. The Koopalings plus four others went to the door while three others took off for the castle. Looking around, he notices Daisy wasn't among them. Knowing her, she would be fine on her own.

Iggy had found a key under the doormat, both a simple and predictable spot to hide a spare, and opened the door. Walking into the home everyone took note of the small homey feel. Mario was about to head inside when someone came running up to him. Turning around, he saw Yoshi running up towards them.

"Mario! There you are! Have you seen the princess or Luigi?" Mario began to tell Yoshi what had happened the last few months and their current plan. Yoshi patiently waited through the entire story before saying "I'll be glad to help you out. I might not forgive you for what you've done, but for Luigi, I'll do anything."

Mario smiled softly then turned to see the troopas and the Koopalings coming out with all of Luigi's things. Yoshi waved, and the soldiers nodded back then began loading the cargo onto their ship. "Oh, have you seen Professor E. Gadd? We kinda need his help." Yoshi nodded. "That's actually why I came over, he needed to to the princess and Luigi. He's waiting at the castle right now." After hearing that, Iggy rushed up to Yoshi's face. "You know where the professor is? Can you take him to us immediately? Can he turn ectoplasm particles into portrait form?!" Yoshi slowly backed away when Morton grabbed Iggy and threw him over his shoulder and moved him away.

"Sorry about him. He's a big fan of Professor E. Gadd." Lemmy said. "Troops, once your finished loading the stuff, prepare to head to Peach's castle." With a salute, the troops marched on, loading the airship and gathering everyone on board. Mario stopped and looked at Yoshi. "Hey yosh! You coming?" Yoshi looked Mario dead on with a huge smile growing on his face as he jumped into the ship. Everyone was boarded on and took off for Peach's castle, where Daisy and the professor await.

Elsewhere, Junior was staring out the window, holding Luigi's cap him his hands. Gently rubbing it with his claws, he held it closer, longing for the warmth his mother provided. "Yo, squirt. You okay?" Looking up, he saw Roy walk up to him with his arms crossed. Junior just looked down where the hat was, a small frown growing on his face.

Wrapping his arm around his brother, Roy pulled him into a side hug. "Don't worry, little brother" Roy said, rubbing the other's shoulder. "We're going to find him. Dad won't let anything keep him or us from Ma." Junior finally let the tears take over and hugged Roy full on. Roy took off his glasses and placed them aside, then proceeded to hug his little brother and gently press their foreheads together.

Junior responded with a small chirping sound while Roy rubbed his shell. Outside the door, Bowser saw this and gave a warm smile. Lu would've loved to see and be apart of this. Looking away he made his way to the ship's main control deck, where Kamek and Kammy were helping Ludwig prepare for the spell. Larry was sitting on a step, and watching his brother.

Walking closer, he picked up Larry and put him on his shoulder and walked over to Kamek. "How's it going?" Bowser asked looking at his adviser. "Kamek gave a nod looking up. "We're just about ready to get started." He replied looking at the book he had open. "This spell is quite advanced and I'm worried about the young master over exerting himself casting."

Ludwig looked up from his work, with a look of determination on his face. "Grandfather, you've expressed your concern plenty of times." He put down his wand after completing the spell circle and stood in the center. "Like I've stated before, as for it is my plan, with assistance from Iggy, where credit is due, allow me to locate mother with the spell."

Kamek nodded with worry growing on his face. Bowser gave the nod to continue, Larry hugging his head. Everyone stood back while the three mages began their spell. Ludwig sat in the center of the circle, eyes closed, chanting the incantation. Kamek and Kammy began to join in, keeping constant eye on Ludwig in case.

The entire airship began to shake a bit. The crew began to grab hold of something, while the pilot attempted to keep them steady. Ludwig's eyes opened, glowing his signature dark blue, as he began to levitate. The spell circle began to glow more, from
A dark blue to a green that everyone had become familiar with. Ludwig's body had floated down and when it touched the circle, a beam of light shot out.

The ship stopped shaking, everything became still once more. Kamek and Kammy both took a breath, haven taken a bit of energy out of them. Ludwig sat in the circle, a growing smile appearing on his face. Turning around he saw his father and his yourger brothers. His father nodded and Larry gave him two thumbs up. "Ships! Follow that light!" Bowser and Ludwig commanded. The looked at each other and chuckled, knowing they were now on their way.

"Contact Iggy's team." Bowser said. Tell them we found him."

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