Chapter 12: Trapped in a Haunted Mansion

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Luigi woke up and found himself in a cage. Feeling around, he found both his ankles where shackled to the cage. Felling himself, he still had his clothes, aside from a few singe marks on his overalls and shirt. Looking around, he saw what seemed to be an attic, but it was very large, had a lot of other cages that where all empty. Luigi started to freak out a little. Yes, he had been in situations like this, but they still made his stress and anxiety go up.

"Well, we'll well. Look who's finally awake!" A familiar voice and ghostly cackle filled the air. Luigi looked around frantically for where it was coming from, fear gripping him. "No... no nonononono!" Luigi hugged himself, wanting to feel the warm embrace of his boyfriend, their children and his brother, despite all that happened. "Where are you? Where am I? What do you want?! How did you g-get out?" Luigi voices all his questions,  his breath and heart growing quick with each passing moment.

"Oh don't you worry, Luigi. I'll tell you everything in due time." The voice said ominously. "Just get comfortable. Your going to be here a long time." And with another laugh, the voice was gone. Luigi felt his anxiety and fear spark up and his thunderhand activate.

Sparks flew out of his body and into the air. Tears dropped down his face, and when he went and gripped the bars of his cage, it reflected his shock back at him, which caused him to scream he fell back and laid on his side holding himself.

Bowser was going through his closet when he felt his heart twinge. He's hurt. That's not good. We should go now! His mind kept screaming. He focused when he found what he was looking for. Pulling them out of the giant trunk a reminiscing smile came to his face. He grabbed the items.

Junior was helping his siblings prepare for their journey when he saw his dad walk into the room. He watched in awe as his father dawned a metal breastplate, metal shoulder and knee pads and a war hammer with what looked like two shells decorating them. He also took note of the bazooka strapped to his shell.

Everyone in the room turned and bowed to their king, some saluting instead. The Koopalings watched in awe and remembered the stories their father told them about traveling to that other universe and help save the galaxy. "My army!" The king began "We are going to retrieve our queen! Some may fall today, but you your sacrifice won't be forgotten. Remember you are helping make the royal family as well as our kingdom whole once again!" The room erupted in cheers, everyone rushing to their battle stations.

The koopaling all stood in a huddle. "Alright, everyone remember the plan?" Ludwig asked. Everyone nodded "Ludwig, Roy, Larry and Junior go with dad, Ludwig using his tracking spell to find mama." Lemmy piped up. "While the rest of us go find any weapons in mother's old dwelling, find the professor and meet back at the battlefield." Iggy finished. Everyone nodded and put their hands one on top of another. "Let's get our mama back. Team Koopa on three." Junior declared, as he initiated the countdown. 3. 2. 1. Each one of the Koopalings hands went in the air as they shouted "Team Koopa!"

Out of nowhere, soldiers began to chant those words as they prepared to go. "Kids." They all looked up to see their father walking over with his hammer and Bowzooka strapped to his shell. "You know I'd never ask you to do this." He got down on one knee to look his kids dead on. "Are you sure you guys want to do this?" Each of them looked amongst each other before turning back to their father. "Of course we want to!" They all shouted. "Mama has done more for us ever since he got here!" Lemmy said. "He's the best addition to our family!" Larry said. "He connects with us like you but in his own way." Wendy says. "Morton want mama. Only mama Luigi." Iggy just nodded. "Yeah what they said."

Then they all ran and hug their father, even Iggy and Roy who would've stayed away from affection. "Stars above I love you kids." Bowser whispered. "Lemmy, Iggy. Your to protect your brother and sister. I'm sending Daisy and Mario with you." The two nodded, looking at their father with determination. "Father if I may" Iggy said, pushing up his glasses and pulling out his wand. Everyone looked to see a large, metal airship come out of the floor.

"Iggy, what is that?" Bowser questioned as he stood up. "It was to be your wedding present but I decided to pull it out of beta." The Koopaling pushed up his glasses, smirking to show off his creation and genius. "This is the Koopa Air Tank. Am all terrain vehicle that will make your entrance to King Boo's hiding place all the more threatening." Oohs and ahs came from everywhere while troops began to load cargo onto it.

"Proud of you kid." Bowser said as he went to assist in loading things. Lemmy walked up to Iggy, and patted his arm. "You okay, little brother?" Iggy's tail was slightly swaying, as he wrapped an arm around Lemmy. "Did you just hear that? He just said he was proud! Oh it felt amazing!" Lemmy could see the stars and sparkles in the taller sibling's eyes. "I'm gonna chase this feeling!" Iggy declared with a small air fist.
Luigi's ruses we're red with tears. He had been in this cage for what felt like hours and everything hurt. That's when his large nemesis, King Boo, decided to make an appearance. "Well, well. Hello Luigi.~" he said with a sinister smile growing on his face. Luigi looked up with half lidded eyes in fear. He was exhausted but still afraid.

"You know. I'm glad you took the path you did." Luigi tilted his head, wondering what that could've meant. "I respect Bowser" Boo said, staring into Luigi's baby blue eyes. "But he's a major threat to me and all my ghost! I will get rid of him and the little brats and I will create a new kingdom from its ruins!" Luigi's eyes went wide as a loud ghostly laugh ran shivers through his spine. "P-please! D-don't do that! They're just k-kids!"

"Awww so cute when your helpless and pleading. I won't make any promises. As for you, you have the pleasure of watching me destroy that army before I turn all of you into portraits hanging in my mansion!" Another ghostly laugh he let out, fording Luigi to cover his ears. Bowser.. Mario... please help me..
Mario was helping toads load stuff onto airships. He had to help despite his judgement. Peach and Daisy were off elsewhere planning the attack with Bowser. Mario still didn't trust him, but his brother was in danger so he had to help. "Yo, Red." Looking up at the terrible nickname, he saw the Koopalings and a few Koopa troopas walking his way. The big one with the pink shades came up and looked him dead in the eyes.

Mario couldn't see anything from behind the glasses, and never learned their names but nonetheless, they came up. "Listen here. You'll be working with pops, and as much as I'd love to see him tear your head off, we are willing to... ugh don't make me say it.." the one with big blue hair nudged the other's arm. "Fine.. we're willing to play nice for now.... But get this!" He grabbed Mario's shirt and pulled him close to get in his face. "You try taking ma from us, you'll be dealing with me and pops personally." The voice got low deep and a bit menacing for that sentence, Mario couldn't hide the slight shudder he had.

The large koopaling let go of his shirt and stomped away, with three of the other boys following behind. The rest signaled Mario to follow them. They led him to a different airship and put him on it. He didn't know what was happening but he was ready. Hang on, Lu. I'm gonna save you. Imma fix this.

Bowser had just finished some last minute planning with the princesses and his generals and began boarding the leading airship. Ludwig, Roy, Larry and Junior were going to be with him until the others got back. He looked and saw Junior holding his magic paintbrush and still wearing Luigi's cap. It almost brought him a tear but he didn't falter. He kept his expression rough readying himself.

"My army! Allying armies! Launch!" With that command, all airships took off from the hangar. As the ships took off, one separated from the formation. Looking back ahead, he prayed to the stars. Stars and Grambi above, protect my kids and my love. Hang on Luigi. I'm going to save you and everything will be okay!

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