Chapter 4: What Am I Going to Do?

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That's all Luigi saw. He looked around, he called out, but it was only silence. He felt something pull him down. It wasn't a rough and fast pull, but a gentle tug.

Luigi's eyes fluttered open. "Ugh... Where am I?" He asked out loud. He sat up gently and looked around, he saw the large room he was in. He looked next to him and saw a good tray and carefully lifted off the lid. The contents were a bowl of porridge, some fruit pieces and a glass of water. There was a note that said "When you get up and your hungry." Luigi took a few fruit pieces and ate them. They were a bit warm but still edible. The porridge, however was flavorless, but he ate it anyway. When he put the bowl down he heard a thump.

Clutching one of the large pillows in his arms, he looked over the bed and saw four koopas on the floor. They all locked eyes for a bit before the one wearing a bandanna, who bore a striking resemblance to Bowser himself, shouted "Retreat!" The largest member of them grabbed all of them under his arms and charged out the room.
Bowser had come back to check on Luigi when he saw four of his sons running in his direction and right past him. As soon as he got to the room, he saw the door cracked and Luigi still sitting in the bed under the covers. They both looked at each other for a while.

Bowser cleared his throat, a few ashes coming from his mouth. "You okay there greenie?" He asked. Luigi only nodded and replaced the pillow he was holding with his hat. The air was getting tense. Bowser wasn't liking it, evident by his tail slowly starting to lash.

The silence was broken when a medic Koopa troopa walked in and gave Luigi a final check over. Now knowing that he was okay, he looked up at the king. "T-thank you for h-helping me." Luigi said nervously. Bowser simply nodded. "Don't mention it. Literally." As he looked away, Luigi took note of some bruises on the side of the king's neck and face.

Browser growled to himself. "You hungry greenie? It's just about dinner time and I can have the cooks make some extra for you" he said. "I could e-eat." Luigi said softly. Bowser turned to the door and started to walk out. "Your clothes are on the chair. A servant will bring you to the dining room" he said gruffly as he walked out the room.

Luigi saw his clothes on the chair and the looked clean and intact. He carefully climbed out the bed and began to dress himself. "How long have I been here? When is Mario coming back? Do I want to go back?.." All these thoughts swirled in his head, like a cloud threatening a storm. All he knew was it was going to be a bit rough.

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