Chapter 5: Dinner With the Royal Family. Beware of Ghost Dog

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When he was escorted to the dining room, he was met with a lot of odd looks. It's not every day the King of Koopas has a Mario brother over for dinner. Some troops glared at the lesser know brother, both in protection of themselves and their king, but also unaware of what he can do.

Bowser was already sitting at the head of the table, while his children filled the seats of the table eyeing Luigi with every step he took to the chair on the other side of the table. Luigi noticed that a koopaling sitting to his left closest to him was watching him and one one on his right was staring blankly. "Morton! Larry! Stop staring!" Bowser's voice came from across the table. The two hung their heads apologizing to their father and the green brother.

The chef's brought out food and placed them in front of everyone. It looked to be chicken legs, mashed potatoes, and mixed vegetables. As dinner went on, some of the kids would talk among themselves or to Bowser. Bowser wore a proud smile when talking to his kids. That is until everyone looked in Luigi's direction. "Time for the million questions" he told himself mentally so he could be ready to answer any questions. "Mario.. where are you?" Luigi whispered to himself, wondering if his brother would come for him.
The Mushroom Kingdom was holding a festival to celebrate the safe return of the hero and princess. Toads were ecstatic with the festivities. There were news broadcasts, games food, kart races. The only one not having a good time was Polterpup. He watched from the window of the cottage the brothers shared, the kingdom up with big lights.

No one came to the house in three days. The ghost dog was hungry and he missed his master. With that, the pup fazed through the window and bounded into town. Hoping to find Luigi and food.
Luigi had answered questions from the Koopalings which wasn't all bad, if you count the older ones being very suspicious of him and asking questions about the Mushroom Kingdom and what he does. Bowser had silenced them with a single bloom when he caught wind of those questions.

When the servants came and cleared the table, Larry asked a very odd question. "Hey dad, can he come play games with me?" Everyone looked at him with a shocked expression. Junior piped up saying he'd join them if dad said yes. Bowser looked between his kids and the green brother. The two who asked pulled their biggest puppy eyes, while the rest glared at the human.

Bowser sighed. "Fine but I need to talk with greenie here first." All the Koopalings up and left from the table to go on to their own activities. Bowser stared at Luigi, his crimson eyes burning deep into Luigi's water blue pools. "Listen," he began "I don't care if you don't trust me, but I'm telling you this. The Mushroom Kingdom doesn't have to worry about me" Luigi was baffled. "W-what do you mean?" Bowser side and stood up from his chair.

"They don't have to worry about me terrorizing them. I'm done with the whole "kidnapping" thing." Bowser ran his claws through his hair. "I gotta focus on being a king and a dad. Can't do that chasing some broad" Luigi looked at the king. "Well, thank you f-for telling me. But wouldn't you want to tell that to Peach?" Bowser let out a laugh. "Like she'd listen to me. We're going to talk later" as he opened the door he stopped "hurt my kids in any way" he warned "I will end you" Luigi nodded quickly and got out of his chair and followed behind the king.
Polterpup had been wandering around the festival, no luck in finding whom he was looking for. He did manage to find something to snack on, even if some of the toads weren't happy with their stuff going missing. Sniffing about, the race track was full of people, and karts going all around it.

Floating up, Polterpup looked around the crowd and sure enough, Luigi wasn't to be found. Taking matters into his own paws, Polterpup began sniffing around and after catching a scent, he took off for the track and found Mario on the side of the track working in his kart. Nipping at his overalls, Mario felt something wrong and followed the ghost dog.
Upon reaching home, finding it locked, and practically untouched he came to s conclusion:
"Weegee's in trouble!"

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