Chapter 8: The Royal Date and The Rescue

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Things went surprisingly well for the rest of the day. The staff took Luigi's teachings and were preparing the dinner menu, the plumber himself was actually talking to Kamek and the tailors for what to wear, and Bowser was still trying to figure out how to make this date perfect. Luigi had become such an influence around the Darklands, and he's only been here for a month and a few days. Bowser enjoys that everyone was getting along with his Luigi.
Heh. His Luigi. Let's hope the date goes well for him to start calling him that.
Outside the castle, Mario was busy trying to get into the kingdom. His usual plan would have been charge in and rush out, but instead, he decided to listen to his younger twin and think. He set up camp far outside the kingdom's borders, he could still see the entrance to the place. He's been here so many times, there should be an easy way in.

After doing a quick scope while avoiding guards he kept making plans to get in. Returning to camp, he prepared himself and began to wait. Something he wasn't fond of doing.
"Hang tight fratello" he said to himself "Imma gonna get you out"
Luigi was passing the time while being super nervous for the date. He spent his time in the library, reading a bunch of recipe books and keeping his mind at ease. Kamek was by earlier, discussing the outfit he would wear, then he went to go take care of something with Bowser.

The sound of a chair pulling out caused him to look up from his book. Luigi saw a koopaling, his hare large and blue with a centered single tooth coming out from his mouth. The koopaling looked up at the plumber and bluntly stated "Look. I know my dad has a date with you, but don't think we'll fall that easily." Luigi gave a look of confusion, turning his attention to the boy. "As the oldest it is my job to look after my siblings, even if I'll only end up in the royal court when it comes time for the crown to be transferred but I digress" he leaned in closer and eyed the plumber. "You are still the enemy's brother. When I find out this is a elaborate plan to destroy us, I will personally make your life wore than hades."

Luigi bookmarked his book and looked the kid directly. "Look, I can promise you that I have no ill intentions whatsoever to hurt you, your father or your family." He said calmly "I really like your dad and I want to see how far I-we can go. If it works, I'd be happy if you guys gave me a chance" Looking at his thumbs, he began to twiddle them "a-and if not, I'd still hope to remain his friend and help all the kingdoms come together under peace." Ludwig was taken aback by this it even caused Roy to come out and eye the man suspiciously.

The boys then began to whisper between each other before looking back at the man in green. "Fine" Ludwig said "We will grant you our support. But if things go south-" "I'll send you to painsville personally, got it?" Roy interjected.
Luigi chuckled and softly smiled at the boys. "Thank you. I'll treat him right and your siblings will be kept from harm" they all nodded at each other and the Koopalings left. Looking at the clock, noticing the time and the sun setting, Luigi cleans his area and heads off to go get ready.
Bowser was pacing the room, his tail dragging across the floor. He had cleaned himself up, combed out his hair and put on a black suit he wore for formal occasions. He was extremely nervous but extremely excited at the same time. The person he's felt a true attraction to was staying with him and agreed to a date with him.

The sound of footsteps brought him out his thoughts and he looked in that direction. Kamek floated down on his broom. "Your majesty, I present to you your date for the evening" with a wave of his wand, sparkles surrounded the staircase and out came Luigi.

Bowser being stunned was a understatement. Luigi was sporting a stunning outfit that looked like a mix between a suit and a dress. The top was the suit part, it was a lovely dark green, with yellow and white buttons decorating it, while the bottom was the dress, it used a silk fabric and nicely covered his lower half.

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