Chapter 9: Make Mama/Papa Smile Again.

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The next day wasn't much of a good one to say the least. Luigi mostly stayed in his room, not really making a sound. Different guards, maids, and workers came to check up on him, change his sheets and laundry, and leave him some get well items. The Koopalings wanted to stop by, but Kamek stopped them. They tried to get guards posted by the door to let them in but were turned down.

Bowser was upset he couldn't comfort his boyfriend, but his kingly duties kept pulling him away. Junior and Larry were more hurt by this and both wanted to do something but couldn't. Junior was wandering the halls, holding a cookie that the chefs said Luigi made. He had one earlier and he could taste the plumber's hand crafted recipe and it almost brought tears to his eyes.

Looking at the clock he knew his father would be out of his job soon and his siblings would normally play around with this time so he got an idea. Rushing towards the play room, he heard a musical commotion going on in there. He opened the door and saw Ludwig trying to conduct Larry on his Turntable and Roy, who had headphones that matched his sunglasses and a electric guitar in his arms. Ludwig himself was at his piano, played a quick melody and Larry and Roy played notes that matched it.

They noticed Junior and stopped for a second. "What are you doing, shrimp?" Roy asked as he took his headphones and placed them around his neck. "I could ask you guys the same question" he shot back. "We're trying to write a song to get mama out of his room." Larry said making a beat and rocked his head to it. "Mama" Junior tilted his head as he repeated the word. He used to call peach "Mama Peach" but ever since his dad stopped kidnapping her, he stopped calling her that. Ludwig got up from his piano and came over, shedding some light on that subject. "He means Luigi" he said using his class to comb through his large some hair. "He's taken to calling him that after the few weeks he's been here. Seems like he imprinted on Larry so much, he started seeing him in a parental light." Looking at Larry, who rubbed his arm.

"I just..." Larry started, not looking up, "He acts just like a mama should.. he took care of us as if we were his." Larry got up and just hugged Ludwig. "I just want our family to feel full again.." Junior, after hearing that wants to go through with his plan more than ever. "If you guys every get done or take a break, meet me in the kitchen." Junior had the look of determination in his eyes as he turned to leave.

After spreading the news to his remaining siblings, he stood outside his father's office and when the clocked chimed, he stepped back as his dad walked out. "Junior? Son, everything okay?" Bowser asked as he took off his reading glasses and got on a knee to be at his son's level. Junior shook his head and climbed up on his dad's shoulder. "I wanna do something for Luigi. I miss him reading to us, cooking for us." Junior leaned his head in his father's face as he continued to go on what Luigi did for them. Bowser could only smile when he heard his son say he wanted to try something to cheer up Luigi.
The man in question was still in bed, eyes red and tears stained from more crying. Mario shows up, tried to pull him away like he wasn't here for months, and doesn't even register his feelings at all. Luigi just wanted to curl up and hide from the world. It was then he heard barking. Some guards were saying things he couldn't understand but next thing he knows, a white flash jumps through the closed door and starts licking his face. Trying to get hold on the thing, he realizes it's Polterpup. "Hi puppy." Is all Luigi says as he hugs his ghost dog.

Polterpup immediately felt something was wrong and calmed down and just cuddled his owner. Luigi cuddles his ghost dog felling more relaxed. Keeping the dog in his arms, he got up and walked out his room. Walking past the guards, he apologizes for his dog startling them and goes off to find his boyfriend.

Walking down to the kitchen he put his dog down to open the door but was met with the sight of chaos. Bowser was trying to work in the kitchen, looking very stressed yet confident that what he's doing is right, the kids, however are bikering, fighting over ingredients and the counters were cluttered. Larry was first to notice him walk in and ran in his direction. "Mama! Your up!" He gave Luigi a hug and looked at the ghost dog. "Who's your friend?"

The kids all looked over and flicked towards Luigi, both greeting him and his dog while Bowser watched his kids as they began to reconnect with Luigi, happy he's up and about. Letting off a slight growl, the kids back off leaving a path for their father. When he gets close to Luigi, he gets on his knees and presses their foreheads together. "Glad t'see ya up, babe." He whispered. Gently stroking his hair, Luigi replied, "Glad to be up, amore".

After figuring out what they were all doing, Luigi took over in the kitchen, instructing everyone to clean and turned all the ingredients to something edible. He managed to make something they all could eat, with a nice dessert to go with it afterwards. After they all ate, they decided to watch a movie. Gathering in the large family room, and after the kids bickering on what to watch, they settle on a movie they all could enjoy. Bowser and Luigi sat on the couch and began to cuddle, when Junior and Larry came in between them and joined. Lemmy came over and sat atop his father's shoulder, Morton sat under Luigi's arm, Wendy sat next to Bowser and Iggy climbed up on the back of the couch. Ludwig and Roy sat on the floor, but still close to the pile.
"Hey dad" Bowser looked down and Junior, wondering what his son had to say. "Larry was right. Mama and papa fits Luigi better now. I hope he stay's forever." With that, Larry grabbed Luigi's arm and draped it over him and Junior and it ended up under Bowser's stretched out arm. Both adults were a bit taken back by what was said, but smiled anyway.

For the first time, the royal Koopa family felt like their family was complete, all thanks to Luigi.

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