Chapter 7: A King and his Emotions

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Mario had been on the road for a whole month, still looking for his brother, still having found no trace of him. He began to pull on his final destination: The Koopa Kingdom, in the dreaded Darklands.
Bowser was actually happy. In the time Luigi was here, he managed to send letters to neighboring kingdoms, aside from the Mushroom Kingdom, to attempt to make amends. His own kingdom was happier. His subjects got more benefits, he managed to get more time for his kids.

As time went on, he began to see Luigi differently. Sure, he was still shy, a bit cowardly towards most things, and clumsy, but when he got used to stuff, he entered a whole new level. In the kitchen, Luigi was a master all his own. There have been times he cooked dinner for the entire family and still had leftovers for the staff and some in the kingdom.

His desserts were also amazing. The first time everyone tried his dessert, there were tears. It scared the plumber that he did wrong, but when everyone reassured him, he calmed down. Luigi had a bigger impact on the kingdom than he thought.

That brings us to now, Bowser had just finished his paperwork and was traveling the castle halls. That's when he heard the sound of giggling. He followed the sound and he ended up in the throne room. There he saw Wendy, sporting a pink dress, bows and starts stitched into it, fitting comfortably over her shell. Looking over he saw Luigi also sporting a dress. It was green and brought out his eyes. It may have been a plain green dress, but it actually looked like there was more- not that Bowser would say yet.

With a soft blush and a knock on the room doors, he entered and Wendy rushed to her dad. "Daddy!" She exclaimed as she ran over and hugged him. "Luigi actually made this dress for me! Grandpa helped him with it and it's perfect!" She did a little twirl and a curtsey.
Bowser smiled "You look good sweetheart. Did you thank your grandfather and Luigi?" She nodded and then ran to the door. "I'm gonna show Luddy and Roy. Have fun daddy~" as she winked at her father with a knowing smile and left to find her brothers.

Bowser let out a inaudible growl. He's daughter  was a cunning one and not much emotional wise got past her. He then turned his attention back to Luigi, who was currently cleaning up the space where he and Wendy were playing. Bowser just watched  Luigi as he moved.

Say something you dolt! You've hung out with him and practiced it! Bowser had scolded himself mentally. "Sooo Luigi... I-I wanted to ask you something" Luigi looked up and tilted his head a bit. "Yes?" Bowser blushed and looked away for a brief moment. "D-do you want to have dinner with me?" He clenched his eyes shut.

"Sure. What would you like?" Luigi asked, prepared to make a mental note of the king koopa's request. Bowser growled, got down to the plumber's level and got in his face. Luigi got a bit nervous and backed up a bit and tripped on some thread still left out. Bowser quickly reached out and grabbed him gently. They looked like they had just finished a dance routine, now both blushing like crazy.

Luigi started placing things in place and placed a hand on the king's thumb. "I-I would love to have dinner w-with you." Luigi was now a blushing mess, still being dipped back by Bowser. The Koopa king was mentally having a dance party since his date got accepted. "I'll come get you at eight. I'll have the tailors make you something fancy." His thumb rubbed Luigi's cheek and the plumber actually leaned into it.

Pulling the plumber up and placing him back on his feet, Bowser bid farewell to the human to go take care of some royal business, and when he opened the door, all of his children besides Roy and Ludwig, fell to the ground. Before anyone could react, Bowser scooped them all up and rushed off to his office.

"What have I told you about eavesdropping?!" He growled eyeing all of his children. "Reboot, father. It was all Wendy's idea." Iggy said with no hesitation or emotion. "I just followed cause they dragged me along." Wendy came up and shoved her brother aside, glaring at him. "Aside from that, you've got a date! We're gonna make you so eye catching, he can't say no!" Bowser rubbed his temple. As much as he loved his kids, there planning was both on point and needed work.

But still, Bowser was happy. He's going on a date. But he was going to have to make it perfect. How hard could that be?

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