Quick Note

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Hello!! :)

If you're here reading this thank you so much! It's my first ever published fanfiction so it means a lot even if you're just here. Anyways I just wanted to preface that no, I do not own Harry Potter or anything that exists inside that universe, including the video game this is based upon!

I am simply writing some silly little story that makes me happy because apparently the only fan fictions out there are about Sebastian. My little lesbian heart wants some variety. I may (as in I frequently will) be using lines straight from the game because some of the conversations are really entertaining. I didn't make them up and I am not going to pretend I did, the writers of this game really put their all into it and I love it. If you haven't played the game I highly recommend it! It's really fun and the relationship quests are some of my favorites.

I'm not going to be following the games story exactly. So don't worry about too many main story spoilers for the game! But if you are, idk why you're here but you do you bestie :3

I also want to say that I don't know a lot about the actual lore of Harry Potter so if I just add in something, it's not because I'm ignoring the canon universe, it's just me lol. I'm going to try my best but most of my knowledge is coming from the wiki, the movies and the video game, I only read like three of the books (I know I'm sorry).

I hope you stick around and enjoy! I cannot promise this will go far but I want to try :) and I hope there's some people out there that have been craving something like this as well.

ANYWAYS here it goes!

With much love,

Delicate // Poppy SweetingWhere stories live. Discover now