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We didn't stop even after we passed by Hogwarts. The harsh winds pricked at my skin, but I was flying on a Hippogriff! It more than made up for it, and the mistake at Harlow's camp. The feeling was entirely different than riding on a broom. It was magical, breathtaking even. Natty seemed to be enjoying it as well, letting out numerous shouts of joy. I couldn't stop smiling myself.

The Hippogriffs landed on a hill just past the Black Lake. The sun was barely just peaking over the horizon, and I welcomed its warmth even if it wasn't much. Highwing nipped at the new Hippogriff with her beak, but she stopped when I glared at her. Natty was breathing hard, shaking her head silently. I sent a grin her direction and we both started laughing.

"How exciting!" She let out another small giggle.

I ran my fingers through my now unbelievably knotted hair, and when I spoke I was still a bit out of breath. "It was exhilarating wasn't it? I wasn't sure if we'd make it out alive."

"There was no need to worry," She rolled her eyes playfully. "I had it all under control."

"At least someone did." I teased, rubbing my wrists subconsciously, the ghost of those chains was still lingering. "Did you happen to find the letter that you were searching for?"

Natty nodded gleefully. "Summoned it right off of Harlows desk. He didn't even notice."


She shrugged. "I will say though...I did not expect him to cast the killing curse at us. I'm glad neither of us got hurt, but he won't forget it. We must be on our guard."

"Did you see who was with him?" I asked. She promptly shook her head. "It was Vale. They called her there just when I got captured."

The conversation suddenly turned grim at the mention of the Dark wizard. Natty pursed her lips and let out a shaky sigh. Her voice dropped to a low whisper. "Thank Merlin I showed up when I did...who knows what would've happened if I was too late."

"Thank you for saving me. I practically owe you my life." She smiled at my words, then looked between the two creatures we currently sat on.

"Well, you might as well owe these two also. Where did you even meet the Hippogriff?" At the mention of them, Highwing stomped her foot and met my eyes. I felt my cheeks heating up as the memory resurfaced.

"I've only met Highwing before, Poppy introduced us." I turned to pat the newest Hippogriff affectionately. "This one? I've never seen before tonight."

"Poppy Sweeting knows a Hippogriff? Well, of course she does." Natty smiled, and Highwing bristled anxiously. I suppose she's getting impatient.

"She will be relieved to hear that Highwing is safe," Natty continued. "You were the right person for this, I'm glad you came."

I shrugged. "I'm happy to help. Though, next time, let's maybe avoid another dangerous situation."

"No promises! My mother is probably worried I never came back, I should go. I'll let you know what happens with Officer Singer as soon as I can." She then jumped off of Highwing and summoned a broom, flying off like a shot of lightning towards Hogwarts.

I sighed and looked between the two Hippogriffs in front of me. Highwing glared at me expectantly and I frowned. Was she angry? I jumped off of the second creature and raised a brow at Highwing.

"What?" I threw my hands up into the air. The black Hippogriff hit my shoulder with their beak. I rolled my eyes. "You can leave, both of you, I'm not going to keep you here."

The two of them made disappointed sounds, both pairs of eyes still locked onto me. I didn't know what to make of it, so I started walking away. To my surprise they followed close behind me. I expected them to fly away any second now but it seems as though they had taken a liking to me. I shook my head, Hippogriffs may be loyal but I doubt they are that interested in staying with me. So I kept walking. They stayed quiet for the most part, the only sounds their hoofbeats in the dirt. It was almost calming, until it wasn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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