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One month later

The first sprinkles of snow were beginning to fall from the sky, and at this point in the school year it was far too cold for it to melt. I didn't hate the snow, it was more the ice that I feared.

In the last month or so I had caught up, for the most part, with my other peers. The dueling club was to credit for that. I learned a bit from all of them and it helped me feel safer anytime I had to venture outside the castle walls. I had a sinking feeling more bad things were to come and I wanted to be prepared more than anything.

As of now there hadn't been more attacks. Students and teachers alike were feeling less and less anxious. I wanted to say the same about myself, but there was always that nagging thought in the back of my mind. I wanted to trust Professor Fig to find out anything about this Dark Wizard and put a stop to it. I'm too young and inexperienced to really have a chance, if she's as dangerous as everyone says. Even if I am improving.

Sebastian told me this morning in the common room to meet him in the Undercroft after breakfast. I was a bit irritated since it was the weekend and I planned on doing absolutely nothing. I sat quietly with Ominis and Natty, although I couldn't help myself from stealing looks at Poppy across the hall. I don't know if it's because I'm secretly worried about her or if I'm just looking to...well...look. She never sits with anyone else. I've checked at every meal time and it's always the same. I don't want to ask her to sit with us because I'm afraid she'll say no. Why would she want to anyway? She seemed a little surprised that I would even bother to call her a friend.

I let out a sigh and turn my gaze back to my plate. I should finish eating and meet Sebastian if I want to have any free time today. I'm not sure how long he's going to take. I politely wave goodbye to my other friends before leaving, sneaking another look at the lone Hufflepuff I'm so intrigued with. This time she meets my eyes, giving me the smallest of smiles before turning her nose back into her book. I felt a blush creep up my cheeks as I turned away, trying...and failing...to keep my smile hidden.

It was still plastered on my face when I met Sebastian in the small corner just below the Defense against the Dark Arts classroom. He eyed me strangely at the small grin on my lips.

Sebastian nodded his head in greeting. "I've been waiting for you."

"My apologies, I do like to enjoy my breakfast." I said as I rolled my eyes.

Sebastian didn't bother to respond before pulling out his wand and muttering under his breath. The strange clock lurched open again in the same way it did the first time. I reluctantly followed him down the dark staircase and into the Undercroft. It still looked the same as before, except for one wall far off in the back that had black marks all over it, as if it had been singed multiple times. I noticed my stomach churn at the sight, but I didn't feel the need to question him about it.

He strode far into the room and stopped at one of the stacks of crates on the left. I started drawing things in the dust caked on top of them, waiting for him to speak.

"I would've just spoke with you at breakfast, but I felt as if this was important enough that we needed somewhere safe to talk." He started, crossing his arms over his chest. I let out a sigh and nodded my head, allowing him to keep going.

"I've been reading the spell book, and I found out some very interesting things." He admits.

"Well? What did you find?" I replied, trying not to sound annoyed at his vagueness.

"It was more difficult to interpret than I'd imagined, but I found that he encouraged the teachings of the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. Nothing was "unforgivable" in his eyes. He insisted that students be prepared to use Dark Magic, when necessary, and not to fear it. That's why we had to cast Crucio to gain access to his chamber. It's why Ominis lost his aunt, she had no one to cast the curse upon." He dropped his head, but I noticed the empathy in his eyes. Sebastian did truly care about his friend even if he had strange ways of showing it.

Delicate // Poppy SweetingWhere stories live. Discover now