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Sorry for the late update! I've been busy with school and I just haven't had the time to write at all. I'm really excited to get to Poppy's storyline because I think it's really interesting, and I hope you're enjoying things so far! I made this chapter just a little bit longer since it's been a few weeks :)




Suddenly the monstrous creature skull was stopped just inches above the boys head. Gasps erupted throughout the room, and all eyes turned to the witch in the back of the room, levitating the head back to where it originally belonged.

"Professor Hecat!" A Ravenclaw girl exclaimed beside me. The elderly Professor gave a small nod, giving a pointed look towards the Slytherin boy.

"Perhaps you'd be good enough to blast each other to pieces on your own time." She begins her decent down the stairs, flipping a blue scarf back over her hunched shoulders. "I get new students every year but I only have one Hebridean Black skull."

"To the wise, age matters very little," She continues with a sigh, making her way slowly into the center of the room. "Now that you two are done boasting about, today we will be reviewing a spell that has saved me from death at the hands of Dark wizards more times than I can remember: Levioso."

The room erupted in whispers at the mention of Dark wizards. I simply crossed my arms and kept my attention on the Professor. I don't have the time or patience to be distracted from catching up to my peers.

"Levioso? A levitation charm?" The boy who almost lost his life mere seconds ago, complained. Professor Hecat smirked then quickly whirled, casting the seemingly simple charm upon him. He shot into the air, letting out a high pitched cry that made a few students laugh.

Hecat chuckled. "A surprised opponent is a weak opponent, care to disagree? No?"

His face had lost all color and he quickly shook his head in agreement. When she finally places him back onto the ground he stumbles and practically falls on his face. It pulls a small laugh out of me, and I wasn't the only one.

"The one thing I have learned in all my years is the value of simplicity. Especially in the heat of battle. Now, let's get to practicing, we don't have all day." Hecat waves her hands and students begin grouping themselves up. I am placed with a small group of four, and my peers all stand an unreasonable distance away from me. My jaw twitches but as they practice I try to learn from them.

All groups had a training dummy to take turns trying to levitate. I was practically pushed to the back of my line, but I wasn't about to complain. I didn't know this spell and I hardly wanted to fail in front of all of them.

As I wait my turn, Professor Hecat moves to stand beside me. I nod a greeting to her and she does the same. "You're the new fifth-year, Dylan Drake isn't it?"

"Yes, Professor." I'm only partially listening to her. Most of my focus is on learning the wand movement and observing my classmates.

"Hmm. You seem focused, that's good." The girl going in front of me manages to levitate the dummy for about half a second before it clatters back onto the floor. "This is one of those charms that is easy to learn, but hard to master. Would you like me to demonstrate for you?"

It was now my turn to try on the dummy and I turned to face her. I didn't want to say yes, but it was better than embarrassing myself in front of all of these already judgmental students. After a reluctant nod I follow her demonstration, and try to convince myself this will go better than Charms class.

Delicate // Poppy SweetingWhere stories live. Discover now