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I am actually so shocked I started this thinking nobody would want to read it but we hit over 1k reads! Y'all are so awesome for that. Anyway I just wanted to say a huge thank you :)

And that I need to make an update schedule but eh, I don't care. I'm giving y'all three new chapters this week because they've just been sitting here and I want to share them :P



The trek back to Hogwarts was full of heavy silence.

After Sebastian was unable to find his relic, we searched the room to find a secret exit passageway behind a bookshelf. To be safe, we hid ourselves again until we had finally got out of there. I was still reeling from the new information, about myself and about Vale. The letter I stole singed a burning hole in my pocket, and I knew I had to show it to Professor Fig as soon as possible. It was a welcome distraction from thinking about my actions in fighting the spiders. I know Sebastian was impressed, probably even borderline proud, but I felt sick to my stomach. There was absolutely no turning back now. I made him promise to not tell a soul what happened. Ever. I believed him when he agreed to keep his word.

I couldn't sleep when I finally made it back to the comfort of my bed. The guilt was coming at me strong again. I shouldn't have followed Sebastian. I shouldn't have told him to teach me that spell. I shouldn't have even thought of using it, even in a dire circumstance. There is always another way. Ominis was right about that. Every time I closed my eyes I could see the spider, and the lightning, and I could feel the exhilaration inside of me again. I didn't want it. It's starting to make me believe that maybe Vale is right. Maybe she is my mother. Maybe I am just as dangerous as they all think me to be.

Eventually, exhaustion won out and I drifted off to sleep. When I woke up it was already past midday, and I groaned into my pillow. I debated staying in bed the rest of the afternoon but my stomach loudly protested.

I drug myself out of my bed and didn't bother to change out of my pajamas. I knew I was coming right back anyways. The Great Hall was barren except for a few stragglers from the earlier lunch. There was still food on the tables and I gladly sat down to eat. Everything was delicious as always and I tried to use it to distract me from my stress. I assumed a lot of the students were either out at Hogsmeade or in the numerous courtyards playing in the snow. I would've found an excuse to join them if I wasn't so tired.

I was a bit lost in my thoughts and didn't notice anyone sitting in front of me. Let alone who sat in front of me. I thought I was still dreaming somehow but after looking again, I almost choked on my chicken.

"Professor Weasley!" I exclaimed, coughing one more time and wiping my mouth with a napkin.

Her eyes crinkled up in a smile. "Hello, Dylan. I see you've had a rough night."

Her gaze travels over me and I blush a little. My appearance was probably more ragged than I thought. I moved to smooth over my hair a bit as she continued talking.

"I wanted to check on you, see how you were doing. The semester is almost up and I've heard nothing but great things from the other professors." Her smile never wavered. It made me feel better that she wasn't here to accuse me of something.

"Everything is going well. I feel like I'm definitely catching up with everyone." I reply, taking a sip of water from my cup.

"That's wonderful. Now, I did also come with a request." Her tone dropped slightly, her gaze turning serious.

I swallowed hard. "What is it?"

"I'd like to show you. Do you mind following me?" She abruptly stood, and I quickly took a few more bites of food before getting up.

Delicate // Poppy SweetingWhere stories live. Discover now