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The rest of my week went by in a blur.

I spent most nights staying up late, finishing extra assignments alongside my normal class work. It was beyond exhausting but at least I was learning something. Ominis was kind enough to assist me in the new spells I was tasked with learning, much to Sebastian's distain.

I'm convinced he's still upset about the duel but it could very well be possible he just doesn't like me.

When the next week started, I awoke in my dorm with a few letters next to my owl. The first was surprisingly from Sebastian, while the other was from Professor Weasley. I decided to open Sebastian's first, and he wrote to me about meeting near the Dark Arts classroom to talk. What could he possibly want to talk about?

I sighed and finished getting ready, brushing my hair and teeth and haphazardly tightening my tie around my neck. I slipped my shoes on and headed out to go meet up with Sebastian for whatever he wants. I was not expecting much but I hoped it wasn't pointless. Perhaps he's planning to get me alone so he can murder me.

My face had finally healed from the troll attack and now all that was left was the ugly scar I still found myself avoiding when I glance at a mirror. It reminds me too much of that day and the death I witnessed. I'm not sure I'll ever forget that moment, especially because of the mark it's left on me physically and emotionally.

The corridors were quite empty this morning. Students still waking up and getting ready for the day ahead. I only had one class later today, which was potions, and I found myself dreading it. I don't find much excitement in it and it's just more busywork I don't want to do.

I get into the building and head towards the entrance if the Defense against the Dark Arts classroom, finding Sebastian leaning casually against a railing, staring at a painting.

"Sebastian?" I ask, frightening him. He turns around and sighs when he notices it's just me.

"Merlin's beard you scared me," He sighs, adjusting his robes nervously. "I see you got my owl then?"

"I did," I say, amusement slipping through. "What is it that you wanted to talk about?"

Sebastian glances around to make sure nobody is listening in. "I've found out some information about Vale Starling."

"And that's important...why?"

He looks at me like I was crazy. "You don't know who...never mind. She's only the most powerful Dark wizard out there. I was at the Three Broomsticks the other day and I overheard some wizards talking about her, and that she's here."

I practically rolled my eyes. "Sebastian, I still don't get why you needed to talk to me about this."

"Look," He got very serious all of a sudden. "That has to be the reason Hogsmeade got attacked. Who else would be powerful enough to control a bunch of trolls?"

"That does seem odd." I thought, Sebastian nodding his head in response.

"Come this way, we can talk more in the Undercroft." He takes my hand and drags me towards a secluded corner. I was beginning to get worried again, this was nothing short of suspicious. I still really don't understand why he's even talking to me of all people about this, I just don't see my connection to it beyond my presence at the attack.

We stopped by a strange looking standing clock. I gave him a disbelieving glance but he ignored it. He said something under his breath and the clock suddenly opened like a door, a stairwell leading into darkness below. Sebastian nodded and gestured for me to follow, and I did, although I'm not sure why. I may very well just be putting myself in more danger.

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