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Hello!! Sorry bout the new chapter taking a bit, I didn't have a lot of motivation so I took a little break. I'm also busy with prepping for finals so that's lame :/ Updates should be more regular once I get out of school for the summer :)

Have a great day <3



Sebastian hasn't stopped raving about that stupid book.

After retrieving it, the way back opened up and the three of us wasted no time in getting back to our common room. I didn't remember much after we got out, and I woke up the next day in my bed with a ruthless headache. My body ached and throughout the day flashbacks of the pain of the curse ran rampant through my mind. The only good part about today was that I finally received an owl from Poppy. However I haven't had the chance to read it yet, and I was in charms, bouncing my leg impatiently, wishing I could be anywhere but here. I need to know if she found something. Although I hope she didn't put herself in harms way to learn anything.

But, its not like I would currently know.

Natty nudged my arm, taking me out of my daze. I turned to her curiously, and looked down to see a note scribbled on the piece of parchment in front of her. My eyebrows shot up at the sight.

Care to join me at the three broomsticks? Tonight?

I rubbed the back of my neck. So I guess my previous assumptions were right. Natty was a fine person, and I wouldn't say I don't think of her as somewhat of a friend, but I wasn't sure how to respond.

She gave me a small smile and her brown eyes looked at me expectantly. I decided to return her smile and give a quick nod. Natty squeezed my forearm, her smile widening, and got back to taking notes happily. Well it seems like I have some plans tonight. Not that I minded, as I had nothing else to do but homework. I was at least glad to get out of the castle. I've been following Professor Figs instructions but nothing else has happened, and I'm sure I can spare one night out.

The rest of the day I went through my classes, my brain struggling to keep focus. I fell asleep in Defense Against the Dark Arts during the lecture, and Professor Hecat did not seem to appreciate that. I was lucky to get off without a detention.

To my surprise, Poppy wasn't in beasts today. We didn't have much to do, just feeding and caring for the different animals in the pens. The thought of her letter back in my dorm room was practically all I could think about now. I should've opened it the minute I received it. My fault for waking up late. What if she's in trouble?

By the end of classes I had bit my nails enough they were raw. I shot out of my seat after the dismissal and avoided Sebastian and his gloating to go back to my room. I needed to also get ready for my...date? Is it a date? I suppose it is, Natty had that look in her eyes.

It was helpful that students still moved out of my way almost subconsciously when I was around. I was able to get to my common room quicker than I expected. I rushed down the stairs, cursing as a I tripped on my robes, and went to my dorm.

I was picking up the envelope before the door had even shut behind me.

As I quickly skimmed, my shoulders sagged in relief. She was okay. She mostly just questioned the new information about me, as I should've seen coming. I hear a lot about what people say about me. But I notice at the bottom she was hoping to talk soon, and that she did find a lead. I was relieved but the fear pierced my heart again. I just hope she was safe in finding these things out.

I felt weirdly protective of her. I wonder if it's because she reminds me of how I used to be. I don't want to think she's fragile, she can very well stand up to those who oppose her. There is just something so pure, delicate about her even. It seems rare in a world so intent on breaking down those who are like her.

Delicate // Poppy SweetingWhere stories live. Discover now