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TW⚠️: Vague mentions of sa


Getting the rest of my supplies was a breeze, and yet not as exciting as I hoped it would be.

The town square was the busiest area, everyone chatting and dancing and exploring shops to their hearts content. The smells of the candy shop mixed with the scent of baked goods from all around. It was so potent I could practically taste the blueberry muffins on my tongue. Nothing feels real here, it's like no one has a care in the world and their lives are perfect. I can't imagine what that's like.

I found Natty in front of a clothing store called Gladrags Wizardwear that had a line going down the street to get in. Must be some place to have a line that long. Her brown eyes met mine as I approached her.

"I have everything. I see what you meant about there being so much to do here." I started, glancing around me at the many strange townspeople. The breeze drifted a few stray hairs into my face, ones which I quickly tucked away.

Natty giggled, rocking back on her heels while pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. "We should walk around a bit more. Perhaps today is the day I finally pick my favorite store."

Before I could get out a response, a loud crash sounded from behind her. The both of us frowned, our curiosity matching the crowd around us. The sounds kept getting closer, screams following after them. It was eerily reminiscent of thundering footsteps. My heart skipped a beat and I pulled out my wand as if on instinct.

Gasps erupted as a giant creature rounded the hill. It was ugly and green and had armor on it that was illuminated in a red haze. With a roar, the monster leapt, crushing a stall on its landing, swinging its wooden club at anyone who was unlucky enough to be nearby. Natty gave me a frightened look but I was frozen in my spot. Unable to do anything but stare as it terrorized the entire square.

The villagers who regained their composure began casting spells on the giant. It seemed to have zero effect and only sent it into a rage. The beast prepared a strike on a helpless woman stuck under some debris, and I found myself casting a spell to drag it's attention away.

Natty scrambled behind me and we both watched with wide eyes as it now stumbled our way. She hit it with her own spell, but it practically shrugged it off like it was nothing. Just as it reared it's heavy arms behind it's head, a woman dressed in black gave it another target to chase.

"Bombarda!" She shouted, determination set in her angular face. The beast snarled, whirling around and setting off in a sprint in their direction. "Draw the troll away from the buildings! Away from the village!"

A group of them kept its attention and disappeared with the troll around the corner. I locked eyes with Natty and we both let out shaky breaths. Just as we thought we were in the clear more frightening sounds came from behind us. I turned my head just as another troll, this one bigger than the last, burst through an entire building out into the square.

Debris flew past our heads and it only narrowly missed taking us out for good. My fingers tightened around my wand and I swallowed down my nerves. Natty nodded my way and set her shoulders confidently. I guess we had no other choice now then to fight. We're the only ones around.

"Shit," I mumbled under my breath, watching the beast carefully for its next move. My eyes widened when it shot towards me at a blinding speed, and I barely had time to think before having to leap to the side to avoid being crushed. I rolled to a stop and scrambled to stand as it set its red eyes back on me.

Natty and I did better than I expected, dodging when we could and landing enough hits to break it down, weakening it. We had to be close to beating it, exhaustion weighed heavily on both our shoulders. It's not exactly in the school curriculum to fight a troll on their first day of class.

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