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Here you go pookies <3, sorry it took so long for me to continue this. It's been a few months, but I am out of school so that means more updating (hopefully). I'm just getting inspiration again and I don't want to leave this unfinished, so I'm aiming to update every week or so!

Also over 2k reads?? Actually kinda crazy.

Hope you like this one :)



(Vale POV)

I hadn't planned on coming to Horntail Hall anytime soon, but the attack from two young wizards caught my attention. I trudged through the snow with my jaw clenched. Business was just as important as my own personal goals, and it seems these poachers were just as incompetent as I assumed.

Victor Rookwood walked beside me and held the tent flap open for me to enter. There were no guests and no dragons in the ring. Precious time and money is actively being lost because of their stupidity. The poachers we passed shunned away from my angry gaze. I turned to look at Victor, sighing.

"Remind me why we hired them?" I asked as we walked to the scene of the attack. Underneath the bleachers there were many injured poachers, as well as my own wizards. One stuck out to me in particular.

Victor cleared his throat nervously. "They're great in numbers. Before now the money they brought in was extremely valuable."

My eyes stayed on the twitching, mumbling wizard on the cot in front of me. A healer sat beside him, glancing worriedly at me. I walked over and tilted my head curiously. I had completely ignored Victor.

"Would you tell me what happened to him?" I demanded. The healer flinched slightly at the sound of my voice and swallowed hard.

"He was hit by an unforgivable, ma'am, and a powerful one at that." He glanced between Victor and I, his eyes full of fear. I nodded for him to continue. "I thought they didn't teach those at Hogwarts anymore."

My lips spread into a grin. "They don't. Can anyone here describe the attackers for me?"

The healer pointed to a man who had looked like he was drenched in water. He was angrily wiping pieces of ice off his clothing. I quickly made my way to him and waved away the goblins who were attending to him. This man sat up straighter at the sight of me.

"What is your name?" I raised a brow at him and looked him over. He was tall, muscular. I can't imagine a Hogwarts student managing to beat him, or any of the others in combat. Unless...

"Markus." He replied gruffly. I glanced back at Victor and he shrugged.

I let out a small sigh and smiled. "Markus, you were there when the students attacked, yes?"

He nodded, but his eyes lit up with anger. "Yes, ma'am. They came to release one of our dragons. An important one too."

"I am aware of the...loss." My jaw tightened painfully. "Tell me about the attackers, who were they, what did they look like?"

Markus sighed. "Two young girls, they were from Hogwarts. Both still had their uniforms on."

"Do you know which houses?" Victor asked, crossing his arms over his chest. I believe he was catching on to why I was wondering about these girls.

"Slytherin and Hufflepuff," Markus nodded. "We recognized both. One of them used to be a poacher, like us. The other was your daughter, Vale."

I let out a short laugh. "Of course it was. And you didn't catch her I see?"

Delicate // Poppy SweetingWhere stories live. Discover now