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Much to my distain, I could not simply sit and rot in my beloved bed.

School felt like a chore, besides the classes that had us actively practicing magic. And beasts class of course, but not because of anyone obviously, I do love the beasts. I've found I have a bit of a soft spot for them.

The leaves on the trees were beginning to change color now, and I felt like I was practically going through the days robotically. Go to class, do my assignments, eat dinner, go to bed and willingly put myself through it all over again the next day. I was aching for something else to do but Professor Fig was very sure on his demands. I believed him too, I didn't want trouble and I don't need a reason for anyone else to get hurt because of me.

The gossip around the castle turned away from whatever Peeves was up to and back onto putting me in the spotlight. I knew it would come eventually because of what was in the paper, but I didn't realize how much more of an outcast I would become. These people acted as if I was a disease and if they even breathed my direction I would harm them.

It was quite exhausting to deal with but I was so busy with assignments it was easy to forget about. At least until I'd lay down and try to sleep, and then their hurtful words would play on a loop in my head. It really was just a dream for a while, the whole safe space Fig made the school out to be.

Ominis and Poppy were just about the only two people who would speak to me. Poppy really only because of our forced partnership in our class, as I could tell she was very afraid of me by the way she acted. Ominis also found out about Sebastian's research into Dark Magic and my connection with it, and he's been a bit bitter about it. I can tell he has a history with it but I didn't want to push it. I don't really have a right considering my current position.

It was around the middle of November now. I woke up to my owl pecking at my face. Mumbling curses, I shoved the bird gently off me and took the paper from its claw. Sebastian had contacted me it seems, and I wasted no time in opening it.

He was asking me to meet him outside the common room tonight. Apparently this lead he's been following about the forbidden curses has brought up something interesting. The news definitely peaked my interest, and I hope he's actually found something useful.

Now to just get through another miserable day.


Later that night after my classes had ended, I waited in a shadowy corner for Sebastian to make his appearance.

I've been thinking about this all day. I have no idea what he's about to bring me into but I needed something actually exciting in my life at the moment. I only hope Ominis will come around and help us. I want him to see how this could be beneficial, even if it is breaking quite a few school rules. I also trust him more than Sebastian and I think he could help reason with him if things get dicey.

I didn't have to wait long before the freckled face emerged from the common room door. He looked around in confusion for a moment before I cleared my throat to make myself known. Sebastian jerked around and stared at me with wide eyes.

"Geez! You have to stop scaring me like that." He says, taking a few deep breaths.

"You're jumpy tonight." I respond, moving to stand in front of him.

Sebastian sighs. "It's for good reason. It's not like this is exactly normal."

He was dressed a little more casually tonight. Dropping his school uniform for an outfit I feel like I could see him wearing for a visit to Hogsmeade. Although it was odd to see him in anything other than green.

"Did you talk to Ominis?" I ask, adjusting my sleeves.

"I told him this was important, and that avoiding Dark Magic will only make things worse." He began to look irritated. "Unfortunately, only a Gaunt knows where the entrance to the scriptorium is, and he won't tell me."

Delicate // Poppy SweetingWhere stories live. Discover now