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I'm not going to lie, I'm surprised I am still writing this!! It's hard for me to continue on a story and it's why I haven't published anything until now.

If anyone sees this I hope you're having a wonderful day, and thank you for being here!

comments and votes are always welcome and appreciated :)



Professor Howin glared at me in a terrifying, authoritative manner.

"Hello, Professor. You wanted to speak with me?" I say, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.

She raised a thin brow. "I did. How did you find your first beasts class?"

"It was better than I expected." I found myself taking a look at Poppy again. "I think I'm really going to enjoy this class."

"Good," She hummed. "You seem to understand that when beasts are properly controlled, they can play a vital role in our lives. Something that does not include torturing them for whiskers. Well done, by the way."

I frowned, surprised she's not so angry with me. "I thought you were upset?"

"It is better you let me handle things next time. Avoiding conflict between students is something we strive for here, but I will admit it is inevitable." She crosses her arms. "However, physical violence is strictly forbidden. I will give you a pass this time, but if it happens again?"

I nodded. "Understood, Professor."

"Good. Be on the lookout for my owl, I will be sending you your extra assignments within the week." She gives me a small pat on the shoulder. "Continue to keep that eagerness to study beats. I will see you next class."

With that, she walks away and begins to clean up the teaching area. I was about to head back to the castle but I heard Poppy calling out.

"Hey, Dylan!" I turned and spotted her over by the pen of Puffskein's. "Over here. Come on."

I gripped the strap of my bag and walked over. Poppy seemed nervous, at least more than usual. We were the only ones from class sticking around but Professor Howin didn't seem to notice.

"Did you need something, Poppy?" I asked, a little confused.

Poppy kept her gaze out on the rolling hills beside us. "Thank you again, for saying something to those brutes so I didn't have to. I'm also sorry, I can't believe they called you something so foul."

I laughed a little uncomfortably. "I will admit I don't even know what it means. With the way they say it, I can tell it's not a compliment."

She bit her lip and sighed heavily. "It means dirty blood. People who are muggle born, with no magical background. It's beyond awful, but it's too common around the purebloods."

"I've been called worse." I admitted, causing her to give me a sympathetic look. "Are you okay though?"

Poppy nods. "Yes, I'm used to it by now. They've been like that since our first year. I'm still amazed you stood up to them. You were an Augurey at noon in the desert."

I frowned from the metaphor. "I,um. I certainly hope that's a good thing?"

"It's something my gran and I say." She laughs. "It means that someone or something is a welcome surprise."

I was a little speechless. Poppy Sweeting was getting quite confident at complimenting me. Although, because of my lack of response her face turned red again.

"At least - that's what we decided it meant." She quickly stated, mumbling something incoherent under her breath. I cleared my throat and gave her a reassuring smile.

Delicate // Poppy SweetingWhere stories live. Discover now