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I spoke with Natty a few times over numerous breakfasts. I tried quite hard to convince her to not go through with her plan, but I wasn't going to be able to stop her. It was either I go with her, or she goes alone. I wasn't about to send her on a suicide mission. So, the next following night I agreed to meet her at a very specific place north of Hogwarts called Falbarton Castle. I only had a guess as to where it was, and as I approached on my broom in the light of the moon I noticed the castle like structure. I dropped low to the ground in case there was anyone here who would shoot me out of the sky, and I assumed it was highly likely. Nothing I ever get dragged into is without something trying to murder us.

My shoes touched the cobblestones and almost immediately I saw Natty popping her head out from a wooden cart. She waved at me, a massive grin on her lips. I walked towards her and tried to ignore the sounds emitting from the vast forest around us. The eerie fog wasn't helping either. I hugged my thick, black jacket tighter around me and picked up my pace. I layered heavily for this outing especially because it was dark. My boots crunched in the fresh snow up until I met up with Natty. She looked overjoyed to see me.

"I'm so glad you decided to come," She began, gesturing for me to follow her. I noticed she was bundled up just as much as me. "We need to stay low and remain quiet."

I frowned but fell into step with her nonetheless. "Natty? What's going on, why are we all the way out here?"

She's told me bits and pieces about what exactly we needed to do here, but she left out enough that I still didn't understand the point. I don't mind helping, but I'd like to know what I'm getting myself into. Natty sighed heavily, meeting my eyes for only a second before turning back around.

"I've been...investigating a bit around Vale Starling ever since the troll attack. She's hired men that are helping her with whatever she is planning for the future. Two of them are very important to her, one Victor Rookwood and another named Harlow. They do most of her dirty work for her." My eyes widened at the new information. I can't say I'm surprised that Vale isn't doing everything herself, but it bothers me that more and more of the people I know are getting involved in this mess. People I'm beginning to see as friends. Vale has already contacted me, so who's to say she can't see what I'm doing? And who I'm with? The thought sent uncomfortable shivers down my spine. I don't want to imagine what she would do to them in order to get to me.

Natty took my silence as a sign to continue while we walked. "I'd followed the man named Harlow to Hog's Head, and there he was reading a letter signed by Rookwood. I couldn't see much else, but knowing that they're in league with Vale can't be good. I know she's out for you."

I nodded, trying to shake off the visions of that woman. "She is, but maybe that means I shouldn't be here then. This is another operation that has too close of ties to her."

"Another?" Natty questioned, raising an accusatory brow.

I grimaced. "I only mean-"

"You know, I actually don't want to know." She let out a quiet chuckle. "I think this is an opportunity to take down Harlow for good. Taking him down would cripple their enterprise. It's why I wanted you here."

"Shouldn't someone like Officer Singer handle this?" I practically pleaded. My chest was tight with nerves. I did not have a good feeling about being here.

Natty sighed, her features becoming more serious. She stopped us in the middle of a bridge, still quite a ways away from the castle in front of us. "I spoke with her about it, but it was obvious she didn't want to reveal much to a student. If we can get that letter, it could be the evidence Singer needs to bring him in."

I started rubbing my temples, I felt a headache coming on. "Why are you so interested in taking them down? We really should just leave this to the professionals."

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