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Two chapters in one day?? We're getting somewhere gang 🫡 this one might be filler ish with just getting the wand. I hope going through the plot like this is okay pacing lol, but I can always change it up :) happy reading!!



Professor Weasley was already talking to a short creature, with tattered rags for clothes and large pointy ears, when I walked inside the classroom. As I entered, the creature disappeared with a snap of its fingers. I wanted to ask what that was but Weasley beat me to it.

"That was a house elf, one that belongs to the Headmaster as well." She stands up from her desk and pushes her glasses up. "I trust your first classes went well?"

"Yes, Professor they did."

"I heard as much from Professors Hecat and Ronen. It also seems that Professor Fig taught you quite a bit before you arrived." She raised a fine brow, one which made my nerves worse. I cleared my throat, the Floo powder still somehow lodged in there, and tried to explain myself.

"Have you and Professor Fig not discussed my training?" I ask, attempting to dodge the question.

She let out a small sigh. "He continues to be reticent about the details, mentioning only a few spells. Revelio, and what was the other?"

"Lumos?" I finish for her, she nods in agreement.

"Hmm yes, I see. Regardless, you must continue to build on what you have learned. Your extra assignments will help with that. Now, about your trip to Hogsmeade." She adjusts her sleeve and crosses her arms across her chest. "As you know we've arranged to replace the supplies lost on your way here. Seeds, potions recipes, spell crafts and the like. Mr Ollivander will connect you with a perfect wand as well."

I'm surprised they're providing me with so much without a cost. "Thank you, truly."

"Do you have any questions before I send you off?"

"Yes I heard you say spell crafts, what are those?"

"A spell craft is a sort of recipe for conjuring objects. You'll find use of it eventually, I promise. Anything else?" She gives me a kind smile.

I shake my head. "I'm ready to get to Hogsmeade."

Weasley chuckles. "Very well. I'd like you to make your first visit to the village with a classmate. They can help you get your bearings. Perhaps Sebastian Sallow or Natsai Onai? I've noticed you have been interacting with them in your classes so far."

Neither one of them seemed like a very enjoyable option but I'm not sure I could choose to go by myself. The lesser of two evils felt more like Natsai to me. "I'll go with Natty if that's alright."

"Excellent. She's very talented, and she'll keep you clear of any of Vale Starling's undesirables on the way." I frowned at the name she mentioned.


She seemed to ignore my question. "No time to waste now. I'll send for Natsai to meet you near the bell tower as soon as possible. Off you go!"

Professor Weasley practically shoos me out of the room. Who is Vale Starling? Why wouldn't she talk about them? I don't think they're a good character in this world with the way she spoke of them. I only hope my lack of information doesn't come back to bite me if something happens.

I sigh and head towards the bell tower, following my map. I noticed a lot of students still attending classes, and I wondered what all of the rest of mine would be like. I noticed on the schedule I received there was something called Beasts class, and that sounded particularly interesting. I'm sure it would be full of more magical things I could barely comprehend.

Delicate // Poppy SweetingWhere stories live. Discover now