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Welcome to chapter 9, where shit gets a little crazy. My brain is fried right now but I tried lol but I will probably come back to this one at some point, I'm not the biggest fan of it but we're chillin.

Stay sexy sapphics 🫡



The next day I figured out where this secret dueling club was meeting, and I was met with a lot of surprised stares upon my entrance.

They met in the clock tower courtyard, which seems a little less than secret if you ask me. The faculty tower was not far from here. The swinging pendulum was a bit ominous, barely high enough to not knock anyone's heads off.

A short boy with obnoxiously dark curly hair and bright hazel eyes full of energy called my name. He looked terribly young, but with the way he called me over I assumed he was some type of leader of this club.

I approached him casually. "Sebastian told me to see someone called Lucan about a club?"

"If Sebastian vouches for you, that's all I need to know." He gives me a wide gapped-tooth smile. "I'm Lucan Brattleby. I coordinate the duels here at Crossed Wands. You must have really impressed Sebastian to have gotten an invitation."

"I do seem to have a knack for it." I respond, taking a look at all the students staring at me. "How does this all work exactly?"

His face lit up. "You show up, of course, and I match you with other duelists. Whoever is standing in the end wins!"

"Interesting. When can I start?"

"Oh!" He seemed a little surprised. "We had one planned in a few minutes, but I think I can squeeze you in with them. Sebastian will be your partner, but next time you'll need to bring someone or duel alone."

I sighed, taking off my robe and pulling out my wand. "Sounds perfect."

I notice Sebastian walking in and he looks taken aback by my presence. Lucan greets him with a wave. "Dylan is going to be joining you for the duel!"

He seems almost as pleased as I am about it.

Sebastian throws his robe to the side as well and comes to stand beside me. "You better not lose this for me. I've just started to take a liking to you."

I snorted out a laugh. "Same goes for you, Sallow."

Lucan takes his place upon the stairs, giving out the rules of the duel. There aren't many, mostly just staying within the bounds of the 'ring' so to speak. It's really more of a rectangle. I roll up my sleeves a little and stretch out my neck. I'm excited to use the new spells I've learned.

We were matched with two others, one is a first-year Gryffindor and the other a fifth-year Ravenclaw I recognized from my potions class. She wasn't very good at it. The girl sneered in our direction and waved her wand dramatically.

"We'll make you regret signing up!" She yelled, her first-year partner laughing. Sebastian and I shared an amused glance. That's a first.

Lucan raised his hands and looked at both groups. "Let the fireworks begin!"

The two of them shot spells at us just as Lucan finished. We practically cast Protego at the same time. Sebastian and I locked eyes and something within us both clicked. To my surprise, we worked well as a team.

The first-year was out before he could cast another spell. I almost felt bad for him. The Ravenclaw girl was a bit harder. She was casting spells I wasn't yet familiar with and was very good at protecting herself from both of our assaults. But I could tell she was getting tired, and that only meant good things for us.

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