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Hello I know it's been a while! I'm finally updating I hope you enjoy :) Thank you for reading and for those of you that are still interested lol it's definitely motivated me to keep going!

Happy reading <3



The next morning I woke up assuming everything was fine, until I realized my dire mistake.

My wand was not at its usual spot next to my bed on the nightstand, and I couldn't believe how stupid I was. My heart instantly sank into my stomach. How am I supposed to get through classes? The Professors will not take an excuse for losing my wand in Hogsmeade. I groaned and threw my blankets off of myself, this was going to be a great day.

I knew Poppy showed up to breakfast early and I tried to get ready as quickly as I could, not bothering to look around for my jacket because I knew I left it at the pub. I hope Natty returned to the table and grabbed it for me, or I was out of luck for today. My roommates were just barely waking up as I was leaving. I still think it's odd I've been living with them for a bit now and I still don't know their names. They sure as hell know mine quite well.

The common room was deathly quiet and I was surprised Ominis wasn't lurking around by himself. I went upstairs, yawning as the door opened for me, and headed for the Great Hall. There were a few students in the halls but I knew there wasn't normally people up and awake at this hour. I was a little shocked I even woke up in time.

Once inside the Great Hall, I found Poppy easily at her signature spot at the Hufflepuff table. Flashbacks popped up in my mind of her outfit from last night but I quickly shoved them away. I really don't need to be thinking about that, now or ever. My gaze shifted to the brown jacket on the table next to her and relief flooded through me. Thank Merlin someone brought it back.

I quickly slide into the bench across from her, causing her to look up from her book. I notice she looks tired and it makes me wonder just how long she was gone last night. Poppy closes the book and watches me load my plate with food.

"Good morning." I say, my mouth already full of eggs.

Poppy raises a brow. "Do you always talk with your mouth full?"

I pause my action of shoving more of my breakfast into my mouth and quickly swallow. I can feel my cheeks heating up as I set my fork down. "No, I'm just hungry."

Poppy smiles softly. "Well, I'm a little surprised you actually showed up. You don't usually come in this early."

"I felt like this talk would be important," I begin with a shrug. Then suddenly I really comprehended her words. "Are you keeping up with my schedule, Poppy?"

She breaks eye contact and conveniently finds the table very intriguing. "No, of course not. Obviously I'm just observant."


"It doesn't matter," She looks up at me again. "Are you sure you want to help me with this?"

I nod eagerly. "I wouldn't want you to do something like this by yourself. We're friends, right?"

Poppy looks a bit stunned. She blinks a few times and then shakes her head. "Friends. Yes...I um, well before I tell you everything I wanted to let you know I picked up your jacket in the Three Broomsticks."

I was expecting her to hand it to me but to my surprise she didn't. I made a move to grab it but she placed a hand over it before I could. I sat back down with a confused frown.

"Uh, Poppy? That is mine isn't it?" I ask, raising a brow.

She nods. "Yes it is. I need to know I can trust you before I give it back."

Delicate // Poppy SweetingWhere stories live. Discover now