Chapter 1

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A/N: This is book 2! The first book is 'The Sapphire Stark' if you'd like to read that first :)

Taylor's POV

- 1 Year Later -

"Why do you always look so beautiful in the moonlight." Steve walks up behind me on the balcony of our hotel room and wraps his arms around my waist. I tilt my head to the side and he places his chin on my shoulder, kissing it lightly.

For the past year we have been on the run, as criminals. Steve and I stayed together for a while in Italy, before meeting back up with Nat and Sam in France a few months ago. Wanda had been on the run with Vision, and they were currently in London.

I turn around in Steve's arms and run my fingers through his grown out hair, "have I told you how much I love this rugged Captain America look?" He smiles and leans down, placing a kiss on my lips. Over the past year I had dyed my hair blonde with Nat to be more "unrecognizable" while Steve had also grown a beard. I felt him run his fingers through my hair as his chin rested on the top of my head.

"I love you." I tilt my head up at him and he meets my lips with his, "I love you too, Taylor. Come on, let's get to bed." He releases me from his arms and grabs my hands, walking us both to the bed. We laid down and I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. I slowly drifted off into sleep, loving the life I have with Steve. Sure, we might be on the run, but I've never been happier.

I woke up a few hours later to hushed voices. I sat up slowly and let my eyes adjust to the light coming in through the large window. In front of me I saw Sam and Steve, in the sitting room, talking.

"Good morning Mrs. America, sleep well?" Sam gave me a playful smirk and I threw a pillow at him. He caught it swiftly and set it down on the couch next to him. "What time is it?" "Noon." Steve walked over to me and kissed my forehead. "Steve?! Why didn't you wake me up!" "You looked so peaceful..." I rolled my eyes and swung my legs off the bed. "I'm going to shower and change." I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and shut myself in the bathroom.

After a quick shower I combed out my long blonde hair and changed into some black leggings and one of Steve's shirts. I exited the bathroom and saw Nat, Sam, and Steve acting all serious. "What's with the faces?" Nat walks over to me and wraps her arms around me, "we have to leave. Ross got a tip that we're here in France." "Where too?" I looked at Sam, who shrugged, and then to Steve. "Germany, London, Greece?" "Ooo, London!" Nat said and I nodded, "I agree with the lethal assassin." She smiled and slapped my ass gently. I rolled my eyes and started packing mine and Steve's things in the duffle we've been traveling with. It wasn't much, but it was enough.

Over the past year my powers have really evolved. I can now finally teleport places outside of my line of sight, but it still has to be a physical place. Naturally, Sam and Steve still think I can do more...but still TBD on that. "Ready?" I asked them and they all nodded. I grabbed Steve's hand and opened a blue portal to London and we all stepped through.

"You know you really make this whole 'On the run' thing easy." Nat joked and I put my arm through hers. "Look who decided to show up..." I looked toward the voice and saw Wanda come out of an alley. I bolted to her and pulled her into a hug, "I missed you." She wrapped her arms around me, "I missed you too." Nat, Steve, and Sam walked over to us and each gave her a hug. "Where's Vision?" Sam asked. "He had to go back to Tony. He'll be back in a few days, come." We followed her through the alley and up to the loft that she and Vision have been staying at.

"How've you been?" Steve asks her and sits down on the couch, pulling me with him into his lap. She shrugs, "we've been good. Vis says the stone has been causing him pain, what I assume is similar to a migraine." "Do you know why?" Wanda shakes her head and looks at Nat. "No, I only feel him. Though, I can feel the power grow stronger when he experiences the pain. Have you heard from Thor maybe he knows why?"

Steve shakes his head as he rubs small circles on my thigh, "Nothing. I figure he's still in Asgard."

"We'll please stay here as long as you'd like. It's nice to have my family." She smiles at us and slowly stands up, walking towards a room. "Taylor, you and Steve take the extra room. Nat and I will take the couch, hopefully she won't kill me in my sleep." Sam jokes and Nat winks and smirks at him. I roll my eyes at them and look at Steve to find him already looking at me. "You okay?" He moves his hand to my hip and rubs it a little, "Yea. I'm happy to be here with everyone." I quickly peck him on the lips and turn my attention to Sam and Natasha who are arguing about who gets to sleep on which side of the sofa bed.

Home is where my favorite people are.

- 1 Year Later -

Steve and I were laying in bed, in Scotland, still with Wanda, Vision, Sam, and Nat. We were currently at a rundown motel and getting ready to move on to another country, just the two of us. Steve and I were cuddled on the bed while the others were all off doing their own thing. "Vision said he was feeling the stone again this morning." "He was?" Steve pulled my body closer to his and kissed the back of my head. "Yea he-" I was cut off by Steve's burner phone ringing, the ones we've use for communication between us, but also the one he left...for Tony.

"Is that?" My voice gets caught in my throat.

He quickly reaches for the bedside table and brings the phone to his ear.


I watch Steve closely, concern written on his face, hoping that it's Tony.

"...Bruce? Oh my god..."

He abruptly sits up.

"Yea, I know where they are....Bruce, slow down....I'll find him."

He closes the phone and looks at me. "We need to find Wanda and Vision. Like right now."

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