Chapter 18

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About a week later everyone was gathered at Tony and Peppers home for his funeral. Steve and I had been staying with Pepper and Morgan at the house. "Auntie Taylor? Can I sit in your lap?" "Of course babe. Come here." She crawls over Happy and into my lap as we sit on the couch around Tony's Iron Man helmet.

"So I thought I'd probably better record a little greeting... In the case of an untimely death on my part. I mean, not that, death at any time isn't untimely. This time travel thing that we're gonna try and pull off tomorrow, it's– it's got me scratching my head about the survivability of it all. That's the thing. Then again, that's the hero gig. Part of the journey is the end." Tony suddenly gets up, walking around as a hologram. "What am I even trippin' for? Everything's gonna work out exactly the way it's supposed to. Taylor, I know we didn't get as much time together as we should have, but I love you baby sister. I know you're in good hands with Steve. Dad would be so proud of you both." He speaks directly to me before he leans down and smiles, looking straight at Morgan almost as if he knows exactly where we are. "And Maguna, I love you 3,000."

The hologram cuts out and Morgan cuddles more into my side, tears falling. I kiss her head and we all stand up, walking behind Pepper who is carrying a wreath with Tony's first arc reactor that she had framed in a floral arrangement with the words 'Proof That Tony Stark Has a Heart'. As we get outside, we see everyone gathered. She gently places the wreath onto the lake, letting it drift away slowly. "I love you big brother." I whisper and lean my head against Steve's shoulder. Steve rubs my arm gently and we stand still for a while, watching the lake. Pepper turns around and gives Steve and I another hug, "I'm going to take Morgan inside and say goodbye to everyone." I give her a small smile and she walks away, greeting and thanking people for coming.

"I never thought I'd have to live a life without Tony Stark..." Steve whispers and I smile slightly. "I wish I had more time with him." I felt Steve kiss the top of my head and whisper, "I know. Come on, let's go inside." Steve guides me back inside and into the guest room where we had been staying. I immediately take off my heels and unzip my dress, letting it fall to the floor. I hear Steve take a sharp breath in and walk up behind me. He pulls one of his shirts over my body and wraps his arms around my waist, placing a kiss on my neck. "Can we go to bed?" I ask and place my hands on top of his. Steve kisses my neck again and pulls me over to the bed, letting me lay down. He kissed the top of my head before disappearing into the bathroom. A few minutes later, I feel him lay down next to me and pull me into his body.

I woke up that morning to an empty bed and look into the bathroom for Steve. I got up and walked out of the room and down the stairs. I smiled when I saw Steve making pancakes with Morgan and singing some of her favorite songs with her. "Where was my invite?" I lean against the doorway and Steve and Morgan turn around. "Auntie Tay! You're gonna ruin the surprise!!" Morgan yells, running over to me and trying to push me out of the room. Steve laughs and shakes his head. "Uncle Steve and I are bringing you and mommy breakfast in bed, so you gotta go!"

"Okay, okay...I'm going back to bed." I put my hands up and decide to walk towards Pepper's room. I knock softly and hear a small 'come in'. "Pep?" I open the door and see her sit up in the bed, wiping her eyes. I make my way inside and lay down in the bed next to her. She wraps her arms around me and puts her head on top of mine. "It doesn't feel real. It's like he's just going to come through those doors after a mission." She whispers. "It's my fault...I gave Thanos the stones." Pepper sits up and grabs onto both of my shoulders, making me look at her. "Hey. It is not your fault. He wouldn't have stopped until he got those stones. He would have killed Steve." She wiped the tears off of my face as I cried. "Taylor, there was no other way. Tony knew that. It is not your fault." I nod and let her pull me back into a hug.

Steve and Morgan walked in carrying two plates of pancakes, bacon, and eggs. "Mommy, Auntie Tay...we brought you breakfast in bed." Morgan walks up to Pepper and hands her a plate, "thank you baby." Pepper gives her a kiss on the head before she goes back to Steve to grab the other plate. She walks back over to us and hands me the other plate. "Did you make these Mo, or did Uncle Steve?" Pepper asks and Morgan smiles wide. "I made the eggs and Uncle Steve made Auntie Taylor's pancake recipe and the bacon."

"So that's why the pancakes are so good." I smile and Steve rolls his eyes. Morgan sits on the foot of the bed while Steve leaves the room, coming back with two more plates of food. He hands one to Morgan and sits down next to me on the bed. I lean against him and smile as we sit together as a family. "Thank you Morgan and Steve for the most delicious breakfast." Pepper smiles and gives Morgan another kiss. "You're welcome momma!"

"Here, let me take all of the dishes." Pepper goes to stand but Steve shakes his head, "I'll do it." He gets up, taking the dishes from Pepper and heading into the kitchen. "Well, I better get ready for the day. Happy is going to take Morgan out for the day." I nod and she disappears into her bathroom. "Alright Mo, why don't you go get ready for Happy." She nods and hops off of the bed and runs to her room. I follow her closely and walk over to Steve, who is doing the dishes in the kitchen.

"Thank you for breakfast." I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss his back. "Happy is taking Morgan for the day."

"I told Bruce I'd take the stones back." I pull away from him and stand next to him, "you what?" Steve sighs and leans against the counter. "Someone has to take them back. It'll be quick and I'll be right back here with you before dinner." I bite my lip and stare at him. Steve wipes his hands off and places them on my cheek, "Nothing would ever keep me from coming back to you." He places a kiss on my lips and I relax into his arms.

A little later that day, Bruce had built a new, smaller, quantum tunnel for Steve to return the stones. I stood off to the side with Bucky and Sam while Bruce powered up the machine. "Now remember, you have to return the stones to the exact moment we got them."

"Don't worry, Bruce." Steve gives him a reassuring nod as he stands on the platform. "You know, I tried. When I had the gauntlet, the stones, I really tried to bring her back." He looks down for a minute. "I miss her, man." His voice breaks and Steve gives him a sympathetic smile, "me too."

"You know, if you want, I can come with you." Sam suggests. "I already tried go with him too, Sam." Steve shakes his head and smiles at me. "I'll be back in no time. Keep them in line until I get back." Steve gives me a quick wink and looks to Bruce. "How long is this going to take?" Sam asks. "For him? As long as he needs. For us? Five seconds." Steve nods and picks up Mjolnir and the case containing the six stones. "Alright Cap, we'll meet you back here."

"You bet." Steve nods and engages the quantum suit.

"Going quantum. Three, two, one..." Bruce presses a button and Steve disappears.

"And returning in five, four, three, two, one..." I look at the portal and Steve doesn't appear. Bruce looks around the equipment, pressing buttons.

"Where is he?!" I yell and look at Bruce. "I- I don't know. He should be here! He blew past the time stamp...The machine, it can't locate him."

"Get him back!" I yell at Bruce. "I'm trying!" My heart pounded in my chest and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Get him the hell back!!" Sam yells, walking over to Bruce. "Get him back!" I sob and fall onto my knees. Bucky kneels down next to me and pulls me into his body. "I lost both of them." I sob as Bucky rocks me back and forth. "We're going to get him back." He whispers as I sob into his chest. "I lost them both." I mumble, my body going completely numb.

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