Chapter 27 - Epilogue

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"We're home!" I smiled wide and Steve and I carried baby Tony into our house and up to his baby room. "This is your room." I smiled, entering the room.

"You and Bucky did such a good job putting the room together

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"You and Bucky did such a good job putting the room together." I gave Steve a quick kiss. He carefully took Tony from my arms and walked him over to the crib, gently placing him down. He grabbed the baby monitor from the small desk and walked over to me, wrapping me in his arms. "Go get some sleep." "But what if he needs me?" I look up at him and he kisses my nose, "then I'll wake you up. You're tired, Taylor. Rest." I nod in his chest and he walked with me downstairs and into our room. "But what if-" "Taylor. Rest." Steve cuts me off and guides me to our bed. "Okay, okay." I held up my hands and gently laid down in our bed. "Pepper and Morgan are coming over later." I said and Steve kissed my forehead. "Okay." He walked out of the bedroom and I sighed, relaxing into our bed, letting the memory foam, blankets, and pillows surround me.

A few hours later I woke up and walked out into the living room / kitchen. "Look, there's momma!" Steve said, walking over to me with Tony in his arms. I gave Tony a kiss on the head and then gave Steve a kiss on the lips. "How was he?" "Very quiet. Nothing like Tony actually was." He joked as Bucky came into the house. "How's my favorite nephew?" "He's your only nephew, Buck." I said and shook my head with a laugh. "Exactly, so he's automatically my favorite." He said back before raiding our fridge.

"Pepper and Morgan are here." Steve said. "What?" "AUNT TAYLORRRRR!" "I see." I smiled with a laugh and walked towards the front door where Morgan was happily letting herself inside. "Hey Mo!" I opened my arms and she ran into them. " How's my favorite niece?" "I'm your only niece!" "That's why you're my favorite." I kissed her nose and caught Bucky glaring at me. "You stole my line." I stuck my tongue out at him. "I want to see Tony!" "He's with Uncle Steve." She smiled and ran over to Steve.

"How are you holding up?" Pepper asked as she pulled me into a hug. "Tired." She laughed and nodded, "I understand."

"So what's next for you two?" Pepper asked, pulling me into a side hug as we watched Steve, Bucky, and Morgan play with Tony. "Maybe a dog." It was the perfect picture. Steve holding Tony close as Morgan chased Bucky. It might not be perfect but it was home.

-10 years later -

"MOM!! SARAH STOLE THE HAT UNCLE BUCKY GAVE TO ME!!" My 10 year old son, Tony, screamed across the house. "I DID NOT!" Our 8 year old girl, Sarah, yelled back. I sighed and looked at our 6 year old son, Grant. "I didn't steal anything mommy." "I know you didn't buddy." I ruffled his light brown hair and walked towards the screaming and fighting children.

Tony, was a mirror image of Steve, carrying his father's legacy in every aspect of his appearance. From his sandy blond hair that matched Steve's to the piercing baby blue eyes that held a spark of determination, Tony was undoubtedly a super soldier in the making. It was clear that Tony had inherited Steve's unwavering strength and resilience. He could knock Bucky on his ass but, to be fair, Bucky didn't put up much of a fight with a 10 year old. It was amusing to witness even though Bucky may have feigned defeat.

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