Chapter 19

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Steve's POV

"Going quantum. Three, two, one..." Bruce says and I disappear into the quantum realm to return the stones. My first stop is Asgard in 2014 to return the Reality stone. Thor and Rocket informed me that I had to put it back in Jane. I set down Mjolnir, leaving it in its correct time before making my way quietly through the palace of Asgard. I find the room Thor described and return the Aether exactly how they found it. I take the mini quinjet from my pocket and head out of the palace to travel to Morag then Vormir to return the Power and Soul stones.

Once those were safely returned, I teleport to New York, 2012 to return the Time, Mind, and Space stones.

I find the sanctum to return the Time Stone to the Ancient One. "Steven G. Rogers. I've been expecting you. Good to see you." She gives me a smile and I hand over the stone. "Thank you for returning the stones." "We promised we would." She nods and looks at the last two stones. "Good luck." "Thank you." I smile at her and leave, heading towards the Avengers tower. I take in a large breath, knowing these would be the most difficult to return. I look up and see myself falling down multiple floors, fighting...well myself...

This is weird to watch.

I watch them carefully until my future self walks away with the scepter. While 2012 me was still unconscious, I walk over carefully and place the new scepter, holding the mind stone, next to him. I walk away quickly and head downstairs to return the last stone.

The last stone was the Space stone. Taylor's stone. I smile to myself, ready to see her again and live out our lives together with kids and the whole nine yards. I look over and see Taylor sitting on a bench with a magazine covering up her face. I smile as I watch her quickly steal the tesseract while the guards were tending to 2012 Tony's induced cardiac arrest. I placed the Tesseract in a similar case I found and kick it across the room so it slides back over towards the group of SHIELD agents. I catch 2012 Loki looking at me. I pause for a moment as the cube falls out of the case. Loki bends down, picking it up and teleporting somewhere. Shit. 2012 Tony sits up, seemingly fine and the guards grab the case and resume their mission. Well there's nothing I can do about that...I sigh and exit the tower, avoiding the alley Taylor, Scott, Tony, and myself were in.

One last thing I need to do...

I look at the extra Pym Particle I took from Bruce and sigh. I activate the suit, teleporting myself back to 1945. I take one last look at my compass, that has Taylor's picture. There was a time when it held Peggy's picture, but Taylor is my home. I smile at the small device in my hand, "I'll be back soon."

I hold my hand up to the door of her home and knock gently.

The door opens slowly and Peggy stands there, eyes wide. "Steve?" Her voice breaks as she looks at me. "How- How is this possible." "Well, you still owe me a dance." I smile at her and she jumps into my arms. "But, how? The plane crashed months ago, we searched everywhere...Oh! I have to call Colonel Phillips and Howard!"

"No!" She pulls away and looks at me confused. "It's a long story as to how I'm back...but it's best they don't find out I came here. Especially Stark." It was then she caught a glimpse of my left hand and the shiny silver wedding band. She looked at me carefully for a few moments, studying my face, "You're not my Steve are you." A tear falls from her eyes as she places her hand on my cheek. "It's a long story Peg. But no, I'm not." She opens the door wider and welcomes me inside. "Would you like some tea?" "Please." She nods and heads into the kitchen, warming some tea, before bringing it out to me. We sit down on the couch and she looks at me carefully.

"I did crash into the ice. However, I wasn't found until 70 years later. An organization, SHIELD found me. You founded it Peggy. For the longest time I felt like I was the man out of time. Longing to be back here, with you. There was a time I would have done anything to be here, with you, like this. But..." Peggy grabs my hands and gives them a comforting squeeze. "Who is she." I smile widely and she can see the love for Taylor in my eyes. "Howard Stark has a daughter. He names her Taylor." I pull out the compass and she opens it, seeing Taylor's picture. "She's beautiful, Steve." I smile and nod, "I know. She's my world."

"So why are you here with me?"

"It's been so long, Peg. I had to see you. Let you know that everything will be okay. Not to worry about me anymore, I'll be okay, I'm happy, I'm at peace." She smiles and pulls me into a hug. "Live your life to the fullest, please don't worry about me." I put a piece of hair behind her ear and she gives me a smile, tears in her eyes. "I'm happy for you Steve, truly."

"How about that dance, Peg." I stand up and offer her my hand. She smiles and takes it gently. She walks over to the record player and puts on a song. We dance for a few minutes, enjoying each others company. Something I know we both needed in this moment. "Enjoy your life, Peggy. You live a great one." I kiss her forehead and she walks me to the door. "Do I ever get to meet her?" I smile and nod, "You do. Both of Howards kids."

"I can't wait to meet her then. And Steve," she pauses and looks at me proudly, "I'm glad you finally get to live the life you deserve."

"Thank you, Peggy. Take care." I give her hand one last squeeze and walk away from the house. After over 90 years, I got the closure I needed. I got to see her one last time and best of all...I got to tell her about Taylor. My Taylor. I have all I could ever ask for, and now I'm ready to go home to her.

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