Chapter 21

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Wanda and I fly into the air and approach Kamar Taj. Doctor Strange flies up to meet us both.

"All of this for a child you met yesterday." She waves her hand around as we see the sorcerers taking defensive positions. "Wanda, you are justifiably angry. And bringing in Taylor. Taylor...please, think about this! What has she convinced you to do?" He looked at me and I tilted my head.

"I lost everything to me in a matter of 2 weeks. You really think I needed any convincing?" I scoffed. "You both had to make terrible sacrifices, I understand-" "How? How can you possibly understand. I blew a hole through he head of the man I loved, and it meant nothing!" Wanda yelled, cutting him off. "Don't speak to me of sacrifice, Stephen Strange."

"Just give us the girl and we'll send you to a world where you can be with Christine. You don't stand a chance..." I let my hand glow blue, and he takes a shaky breath in. "The full might of Kamar Taj stands against you. Defensive positions, now!" He yells down and they create a barrier.

"Cute, you don't think I can just teleport my way past this?" I smirk at him. "Do not dare to enter these sacred grounds." I look to Wanda and she nods as we send powerful energy blasts onto the shield. "I'll get in their heads, find the girl." I nodded and we split directions.

The shield falls as we send blasts down, crushing their defenses. I watch Strange walk into the building and teleport myself down to him. "Thought you'd leave without me?" I smirked, standing in front of him. "If you want the girl, you'll have to go through me." I shrug and shoot at him, "fine."

Screams and rubble crashing was heard from outside and I fought Dr. Strange. Wanda shortly joined me and he was outnumbered. We backed him into another room. "Just give us the girl Stephen." "No." She groaned and took a step forward, a mechanical whirring noise surrounding us. "Shit." I mumble as we are trapped in a glass environment. "I can get through the glass." Wanda says, closing her eyes and focusing. She reaches her arm through and grabs my hand, pulling us both out into another room where Strange, Wong, and America were standing. "You cannot be allowed to cross into the Multiverse." They took defensive positions in front of America.

"We aren't monsters, Stephen. We just want our families back." Wanda lifts her hand and a display of her two boys in another universe appear. "Wanda, they don't exist."

"Oh but they do. In every other universe. I know they do because I dream of them every night. The same dream." She puts her hand down and glares at him once more. "And you, what do you get out of all of this?" He looks at me and I smile, "I can see Steve again, parents...everyone I lost. I would do anything to be happy again." Wanda and I begin fighting Wong and Strange until an explosion goes off in the room. I shield Wanda and I as America screams, opening her own star shaped portal. "No!" I yell, running towards her but Strange shoots me out of the way, disappearing into the portal with her.

I look at Wanda who grabs an unconscious Wong, "what do we do now?" "I'll find them." She sets up some candles and sits in the center, beginning to dream walk across the different universes. I sigh and sit down near her and wait it out.

"Taylor, stop her, please!" Wong begs as we wait. "Why would I?"

"Even if you get to a universe where you can see Steve or Tony again, what happens to the other you? You'll kill her?" He asks and I shrug, "if I have too." "You won't be their Taylor, just a version of her." I shot an energy blast at him and walked over to him, "at least they'll be alive." He groans in pain as I hit him again.

Wanda gasps and falls onto the floor, "No!" I whip my head around and see one of the sorcerers had destroyed the Darkhold while Wong was distracting me. "I need the Darkhold's spells. Tell me what you know." Wanda walks up to Wong giving him a deadly stare. "You're gonna have to kill me."

"Not you. Them." She raises her hand at the sorcerers as they all grunt in pain.

"The Darkhold was a copy!" Wanda drops her hold on the sorcerers and they all gasp for air. "A copy?" I ask and he nods. "Legend speaks of a mountain with the wretched spells you seek carved into its walls. It's from there the Darkhold was transcribed. Mount Wundagore. No one has survived the journey." Wanda smiles and looks to me, "they didn't have Taylor." I smirk as well and open a portal to the Mountain, brining Wanda and Wong with me.

We arrive in the mountain looking at the magic spells carved into the tomb. Creatures around us growl and come to life as Wanda and I look at the large carving on the wall of two women. "They were waiting for us. This isn't a's a throne." She whispers walking around the area.

"Now. Where was I?" She sits on a platform and resumes her dream walking.

A few hours later a star shaped portal appears and America is thrown through by Wanda's other self. "What do you want with me??" She asks, backing away from us. "We just want our families back, I hope you understand." Wanda lifts her and places her down on the platform. "This isn't what they would want!"

"They'll never know."

Steve's POV

I leave Peggy's home and engage the quantum suit, taking myself back to Bruce, Sam, Bucky, and Taylor. God I'm so excited to see her.

Within a few seconds I'm brought back to the quantum platform. I look around and no one is there. What the hell?

I pull out my phone and see the same date and time that I left...but where would they have gone? I quickly type in Taylor's phone number, hearing it go straight to voicemail. I try Bucky next.


The line remains silent for a minute.


"Steve?" I hear his voice break on the other line.

"Yea it's me...where are you guys?"

"Steve..." He sighs and takes a deep breath, "We should probably talk. You're gonna want to be sitting down."

He hangs up the phone and is at my location in no time. "Bucky. What the hell is going on? Where is Taylor and why isn't she answering her phone?!" He takes another deep breath and tells me to sit down on a nearby bench. "It's been a year, Steve." I shake my head and look back up at him, "It's only been a few hours, what do you mean a year??" "I mean you've been gone for a year." I feel my heart pound in my chest as my eyes go wide.

"Oh my god. Taylor?!" I stand up and he puts his arms on my shoulders. "Bucky. Where. Is. Taylor!" He pushes me back down and sighs. "It's not good Steve..." He takes a long pause before continuing, "Taylor lost Nat, then Tony, and then you all within two weeks. Then there was of course the whole Vision thing...Wanda and Taylor both kinda went off the deep end. No one has been able to contact either of them for a few months now after they attacked Dr. Strange."

I looked at him confused, "she did what?!"

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