Chapter 6

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"Marry me?"

I turn my body around in his arms so I'm facing him. "What?" "Marry me. This,'s all I could ever want." I run my hands through his hair and press my lips roughly against his. "Yes." I felt him smile, "Yea?" "Yes! I love you Steve." His grip on me tightens and he rests his forehead against mine, "Mrs. Taylor Rogers...I like the sound of that..." I smile at him and rest my head against his chest, "me too..."


I woke up the next morning wrapped in Steve's arms. I sat up and watched him as his chest moved up and down, lips parted slightly. I lean over, kissing his lips softly and watch as his eyes flutter open, "good morning." He smiles at me and pulls me down on top of him. "I'm not letting you go." He nestles his head in my shoulder and squeezes my body tightly. "Steve, I have to go meet Tony." I laugh as he groans. I peck his lips and he releases my body.

I laugh as he flips himself over onto his stomach and buries his head in the pillow. I walk into our closet and change into some leggings and a sweater since its currently fall. "Steve...have you seen my -" I stop abruptly and see him knelt down on one knee with a ring box in his hand. My hand immediately covers the gasp coming out of my mouth. "Steve..." I approach him slowly and kneel down in front of him, placing my hands on his face. "You deserved a real proposal. Howard would have killed me if I didn't give his daughter the proposal and ring she deserves. It was your mothers." I gasp as tears make their way down my eyes, looking at my mothers stunning ring in front of me.

He grabs my hand, slipping the beautiful ring my mother wore onto my left hand

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He grabs my hand, slipping the beautiful ring my mother wore onto my left hand. "Steve how did you get this?" He grabs my face with his hands and passionately kisses me. "A beautiful ring for a beautiful girl. After the accident, SHIELD kept everything they found. Including you're mothers ring. Tony and I found it right before the whole accords situation one day while looking for some things." I blush and kiss him again, pushing him over so he falls back onto the ground. He places his hands on my hips, "as much as I would love to continue this," he pauses and kisses me, "you have to go meet Tony." I roll my eyes at him as he laughs and slaps my ass, "come on."

"I'll be back in a bit." I lean up and kiss Steve quickly. "Drive safe." I wink at him and get into our car.

Tony had moved farther away from the city and built a small farmhouse for himself and Pepper on a lake. I turned down his long driveway and parked in front of their home. Before I even had a chance to get very far I saw a small little girl barreling towards me, "AUNTIE TAY!!" I caught her and quickly lifted her up. "How's my favorite niece??" I squeezed her tightly and looked up to see Tony standing on the wrap around porch.

"She was antsy all day yesterday waiting for you to get here." I smile and look at two, almost three, year old Morgan in my arms, "oh is that right?" She nodded and I carried her over to Tony. "Alright Mo, I'm gonna put you down okay?" She whines and I laugh and set her down anyway, "you are just like your dad." I give Tony a smirk and pull him into a hug, "I've missed you big brother."

We were sat inside in his living room while Morgan played with some toys on the floor. "So how've you and Capsicle been?" Tony asked while munching on some goldfish. "It's been good..." "Yea? You gonna tell me about the rock on your hand? He finally did it." I groaned as he grabbed my hand, pulling it closer to him. "I'm happy for you both. He so old fashioned he even stopped by and spoke to me, despite everything that happened to us, and asked for my blessing. Mom's ring looks good on you baby sis, she would have wanted you to have it." He gave me a genuine smile and pulled me into a hug. "Side note, I've had time to reflect a lot out here...I have everything I could ever want," he looks at Morgan and then to Pepper who's making lunch in the kitchen, "it's useless holding on to any anger."

"Wow, Tony Stark actually being a mature adult? I never thought I'd see the day!" Pepper jokes and walks over to us, sitting in his lap. She grabs my hand and looks at the ring, "It's gorgeous. You're mom would be so happy. I only wish I had gotten to meet her." I blush and look down at my hands. "I'm happy, Tony, I really am." "Good. I'm glad. Now if you don't play with her, she'll turn into a monster." He points at Morgan and I laugh and move to the floor so I'm sitting next to her. "What are we playing this week Mo?" "Princesses!! Daddy dis one, Tay dis one...and me dis one!" She passed out our Barbie's and instructed us in her own two year old way on our 'roles.'

After a few hours, it was getting dark outside and it was almost dinner time, "staying for dinner, Taylor?" I shake my head and look at Pepper, preparing dinner in the kitchen, "no. I need to get home to Steve." "Tay?" I look at Morgan and pick her up, "what's up little one?" "You be back?" I heard her sniffle. "I'll be back next week Mo, same time." I kissed her nose and she nuzzled her head in my shoulder.

"Come on Maguna," Tony pulls her from my arms and adjusts her on his hip, "let's let Taylor get home to Uncle Steve." I smile at him and he puts a hand on my shoulder, "Bring him around. Morgan misses him." "I will Tony, I love you...and we miss you too, Mo." I tickle her stomach and she flails her arms. I walk out towards my car, "bye Pep!" "Bye!! Drive safe!" I walk down the steps, waving at Morgan and Tony before getting in my car and driving away.

After a peaceful drive back to Brooklyn, I park my car and walk up to Steve and I's apartment. "Steve? I'm home!" I walk in and don't see him anywhere. I look around for him, but still no luck.

He must be visiting Nat. I didn't see the motorcycle outside come to think of it.

I sigh and look around our apartment.

It needs to be cleaned.

I use my powers and quickly clean up our apartment. I hear the door open and Steve walks in, "Taylor?!" "What?!" I run into the living room and see him looking at my powers cleaning the apartment. I laugh at his shocked face and set everything down. "Years later and I'm still not used to seeing that." He laughs and hold out the pizza box to me. "This?" I let the pizza box hover over to the counter and then pull out a piece, brining it up to my mouth, taking a bite. He rolls his eyes and grabs the pizza slice out of the air.

"It's practical, my hands don't get greasy." "That," he takes a bite out of the pizza slice, "is the best part." I smile and let him feed me the pizza. "You have a little sauce..." he uses his thumb and wipes the corner of my mouth, "right here." He puts his thumb in his mouth and licks off the sauce.

As much as I wish we had defeated Thanos, I have everything I want right here.

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