Chapter 2

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Steve rushes out of bed and into his Captain America suit. He quickly throws me my catsuit, and runs out of the room to go wake up Nat and Sam. I change quickly and used my magic to place everything into our duffle bag. I zip it up and run out after Steve and see Sam in the hallway.

Steve grabs my hand, "find Wanda." I close my eyes and try to feel for Wanda's energy. "I found her. They're at the train station." Nat runs up behind us, as I open a portal and teleport the four of us to Wanda's location.

"Wanda!" I yell as I watch Steve throw a weapon over to Nat who engages one of the attackers, stabbing him in the gut, flinging him backwards. I look over at the other one who is slowly standing back up and blast her out of the way. She summons her weapon back to her hand, stands up, and runs at Nat and I. We fight her in hand to hand combat before Sam flies in and kicks her backwards. She crouches besides her wounded partner.

I look over to Wanda who is knelt down besides Vision, who is wounded.

"We don't wanna kill you. But we will."

The woman smirks at Nat, "You'll never get the chance again." She looks up and a beam of light shoots down and takes them up.

"Vision? Can you stand?" Sam asks as Steve walks over to Wanda and Vision, helping him up. "Thank you, Captain." "Let's get you on the jet."

I get all six of us to the quinjet, per Steve's request, as Nat starts it up, closing the doors, addressing Wanda, "I thought we said it wasn't smart to go out like that at night."

Wanda sighed and looked at Vision, "I'm sorry. We just wanted time." I smiled at her and went back to tending to Vision's cut. "Wan, help me." She walked over towards me and we used out powers to close up the open spear wound.

"Where to, Cap?" Sam looks over at Steve. Steve sighs, grabbing my hand and giving me a small smile, "Home."

- Avengers Compound -

We walk into the compound and hear Rhodey talking to Senator Ross as a hologram, "That's right. And I'm pretty sure I've paid for that." We stand to the side as they finish their conversation. "You have second thoughts?" Ross asks. Rhodey looks over at Steve and I and then back to Ross, "not anymore."

"Mr. Secretary." Steve says. The hologram walks towards Steve and I a little, "You got some nerve. I'll give you that." "Looks like you could use some of that right now." Nat says as she walks up behind me. "The world's on fire and you think all is forgiven?" Ross snaps. I roll my eyes and squeeze Steve's hand. "I'm not looking for forgiveness and I'm way past asking for permission." Ross's hologram turns back towards Rhodey, "Arrest them." Rhodey dismisses the hologram, "all over it." He smirks and walks over to Steve and I, "Thats a court-martial. It's great to see you, Cap." They shake hands and then he looks at me apologetically. I look over to the left and see Pepper walk into the room, with a broken look on her face. "Pep?"

Her eyes start to tear up and she takes in a shaky breath, "Tony's missing."

My eyes widen and I step forward, "What?" My voice breaks and I feel Steve rest his hands on my shoulders and squeeze gently. I quickly walk towards Pepper and pull her into a tight hug. I cry softly in her embrace and she rubs my back, tears falling from her face as well. "Took off after some aliens that arrived in New York the other day. They're looking for the six infinity stones." Rhodey explains to Steve and the group. We all look at Rhodey with a look of confusion as Bruce walks into the room, "I'll explain."

"Hi Bruce." "Nat." They share a look with each other before we follow him into another room to allow him to explain the situation.

"His name is Thanos, he's a plague. He invades planets, takes what he wants, and wipes out half of the population. He sent Loki, the attack on New York, that was him! He's on the hunt for the Infinity Stones. Space, Reality, Power, Soul, Mind, and Time. He already has the Power and Space stones, making him the strongest creature in the whole universe. If he gets all six...he can destroy life on a massive scale." We sit around a conference room table, digesting everything Bruce just told us. I turn my attention towards Steve who has a blank expression on his face.

"Steve, we gotta assume they're coming back. They can clearly find us. We need all hands on deck. Where's Clint." Bruce asks and looks from Steve to Natasha. "After the whole Accords situation, he and Scott took a deal. It was too tough on their families." Bruce looks at her confused, "who's Scott?"

"Ant-man." Various people respond.

"There's an Ant-man and a Spider-man...okay...look...Thanos has the biggest army in the Universe and he's not gonna stop until he gets...Vision's stone..." "Then we protect it." Wanda looks up at Bruce.

"No." Our heads whip towards Vision. "We have to destroy it." "Vis no-" Wanda starts but he interrupts her, "I've been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head, about its nature. But also, its composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source, something, very similar to its own signature, perhaps... Its molecular integrity could fail." He walks towards her and places a hand on her cheek.

"And you with it. No, we're not having this conversation." He gives her a sympathetic smile, "Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that Thanos can't get it." Wanda shakes her head, "No. It's too high a price."

"Only you have the power to pay it. Thanos threatens half the Universe and one life cannot stand in the way of defeating him." I quickly glance at Steve, "We don't trade lives Vision." Vision looks up from Wanda and then to Steve. "Captain, 70 years ago, you laid down your life to save how many millions of people. Tell me, why is this any different?"

I reach over and grab Steve's hand as he takes in a deep breath. "Because you might have a choice!" Bruce quickly stands up from his chair and walks towards Vision, "Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays. Jarvis, Ultron, Tony, me, the Stone. All of them mixed together. All of them learning from one another."

"So you're saying Vision isn't just the stone?" I ask and look at him. "I'm saying that...If we take out the stone, there's still a whole lot of Vision left. Perhaps the best parts." Bruce looks from Steve to Vision. "Can we do that?" Wanda asks. Bruce shakes his head, "Not me, not here." "Steve." He looks at me and nods. "We know somewhere...Wakanda."

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