Chapter 25

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I looked at Steve with tears in my eyes as I read the letter. "I can't believe he wrote this..." Steve looked at me and wiped the tears that began falling. His eyes were a little red and I could tell the letter affected him. "I can't believe he did this." Steve whispered, looking back at the letter. "I can." I smiled and ran my fingers down Steve's jaw. "We grew up on stories of you, he loved hearing about Captain America. But he's right. As he got older he started to resent you. Our dad spent more time trying to find you or recreate the serum, that he didn't spend as much time with us. No matter what he projected, he loved you Steve. As a friend, hell, even as family."

Steve pulled me into a passionate kiss and I moved my leg over him so I was straddling his lap. "Think we can make a baby?" I smiled and leaned down, pressing my lips against his, grinding on him slowly. "I think we can sure as hell try..." He groaned as his hands gripped my hips tightly. "I think we can have a lot of fun trying..." He whispered and stood up. I instinctively wrapped my legs around his was it as he carried me into our bedroom.

"Taylor Rogers..." Steve said, kissing down my neck. "God, I've missed hearing you say that." I groaned and arched my back, giving him more access to my neck. He left soft bites down my neck and collar bone before reaching down to pull my shirt off. He discarded it on the floor and then quickly removed his own shirt. I let my hand run over his body, memorizing every line, dip, and curve of his body. He stared at me for a moment as I traced his jaw with my finger. "I missed you." I whispered and he leaned down to press a kiss to my lips. "I'm never leaving again."

I grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him as close to me as possible. "Steve...I need you. Please..." I whine as I try to push the sweatpants he's wearing down. He smiled and pulled them down along with his boxers. Once those were discarded he made quick work at removing the leggings I was wearing. I moaned softly as I felt his fingers brush my entrance. "Steve, please." He slowly inserted his finger into my wetness and I arched my back. He quickly attached his lips to my chest as he pumped his fingers.

He pulled his fingers out, sucking on them slowly before lining his length up with my entrance. He rubbed his tip through my wet slit before pushing into me slowly. "Shit." He mumbled, stretching me out. I dragged nails down his muscular back as he slowly thrusted into me. His head dipped into my shoulder, leaving bites, as his pace quickened and his thrusts got harder.

"Fuck, Tay. You feel so tight." He mumbles in my shoulder. "It's been over a year, Steve." I moaned, arching my back. I left marks along his back as he fit me so perfectly. "I love you, Rogers." I moaned feeling my body clench around him. "I love you, Mrs. Rogers."

That was enough to make me gush around him, wrapping my legs around his body, pulling him as close as possible. Steve followed shortly after, pumping his seed into me. We rode out our highs until he laid down next to me.

"So, should we go see this house tomorrow?" I asked, rolling onto my side and placing a hand on Steve's chest. He rubbed his hand up and down my side slowly, "I think we should."

The next day, Steve gave me a great wake up call between the sheets and then we took a long, hot shower together. Lots of time we have to make up for. Steve reached over and placed his hand on my thigh as we drove to the address on the deed. He was right, it was right down the road from their cabin. Steve turned into the driveway until we pulled up to the gate. "He said the lockbox, my mom's birthday. November 5th. 1105." Steve entered the number and sure enough the gate opened.

Of course, Tony would have the whole land gated.

We drove up the road a little bit before a beautiful house came into view.

"When Tony said 'the bones are good'

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"When Tony said 'the bones are good'...I figured it was a fixer upper. Not a brand new home. But he's Tony Stark, he never did anything half assed, so I'm not shocked." Steve said as we pulled up to the front. "It's beautiful..." We both got out of the car and there was a lockbox on the door. I put in our mothers birthday again and it opened, revealing the keys to the home.

"Jesus." Steve said as we stepped inside. The home was huge.

It was a 4 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath house with a massive open floor plan, mud room, lakeside bar, dock, 2 different 2 car garages, wrap around porch, and a theater. Steve and I walked around the empty home and into the kitchen where another letter sat, this one addressed to me.

Dear Taylor,

I'm sorry for not doing this sooner. I had hoped to give you this gift at your wedding, but like I told Steve, I was a coward. I'm sorry for not being there for you when you needed me the most, and for not being the big brother you deserved.

I want you to know how proud I am of you. We all are. You've come so far and achieved so much in a short amount of time. I'm sorry you got dealt the hand you did but in the end you came out on top. You're strong, intelligent, and beyond kind. I know we didn't get to spend as much time together as we should have been able too, but that's okay. You were always my little sister, and I love you no matter what.

You found love with Steve, and I couldn't be happier for you. I know he'll take care of you and protect you like I wish I could have.

I wish I could be there to see you both start your lives together in this beautiful home. Fun fact, dad had this house plan drawn up for mom, I found them in his old archives. They were going to move out and "retire" the minute we were both out of the house, can you believe that. I kind of jazzed it up a bit though, you know me. I hope you like it and can make it your own. You deserve all the happiness in the world, Taylor. Live your life to the fullest, and don't let anyone, yes even Capsicle, hold you back.

I love you more than words can describe, and I'll always be with you you, even when I'm not physically there.

With all my love,


By the time I finished reading it, tears were falling from my eyes. I felt Steve wrap his strong arms around me and take the letter from my hands, setting it down on the counter. "I miss him so much."

"I know you do." Steve spun me around in his arms and pressed a kiss to my forehead. Steve let me cry into his chest for a moment before wiping my tears. "I guess we need furniture." I look up at Steve with a small smile and he places a kiss on my nose. "Furniture, a kid...or three, a boat, and maybe some animals. Think we can manage that?"

I smile and keep my arms wrapped tightly around his torso, "I think we can."

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