Chapter 8

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I smiled as the small villa appeared in my line of sight. As Steve and I walked hand in hand up the cobblestone path, I couldn't help but feel like we were walking back in time. The sun was setting over the rolling hills below us, casting a golden glow over the area. The villa was as beautiful as I remembered it from our time on the run. Steve had surprised me with a week long honeymoon in Italy. I'm shocked he was able to keep it a secret this long.

I squealed as Steve swept me off my feet and carried me into the small villa. He carried me through the small living room and into the bedroom. The inside was just as beautiful as the outside. Steve had arranged for rose petals to be scattered throughout the bedroom and a bottle of Champagne to be waiting for us. It felt like a dream I never wanted to wake up from. Just us.

He tossed me onto the bed and crawled over me. "I love you." He whispered before placing a kiss on my lips. I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled away, keeping his bottom lip between my teeth. "Thank you. It's perfect." I placed a quick kiss on his lips and he pushed up so he could grab the bottle of champagne and two glasses. He stared at the bottle for a moment, trying to figure out how to open it. I shook my head and popped the cork off with a swift flick of my wrist. "I could have opened it." "I know." He poured two glasses of the champagne and walked back over to me, handing me one of them.

"To us." I held up my glass and clinked it with his. He took a sip of the champagne and sat on the bed against the headboard. I adjusted myself so I was sitting next to him and could rest my head on his chest. "I miss him. He should have been there." Steve whispered. "I know. I wish they all could have been there." I sat up and reached over him, placing my half full glass of champagne on the nightstand. I took his from his hand and placed it next to mine. "I was drinking that."

I straddled his legs and leaned forward. "Actually, I think I like this better." His hands found my waist as I closed the gap between us, kissing him passionately. His hands made their way under my top and rubbed my skin gently. He quickly flips us over and makes quick work at removing my clothes and then his own until just boxers and my black lace underwear remain. "Shit." He growls, taking in the black lingerie. He leaves a trail of kisses all the way down to my inner thigh before stopping just between my legs. "Steve..." I moan. I feel like I could explode and he hasn't even actually done anything yet.

His hands kept my legs apart as he drags my underwear slowly down my legs before chucking them over his shoulder and onto the pile of discarded clothes. His eyes flick up to mine before his tongue finds my clit. My back arches and I grasp the sheets as I feel him slowly eating me out. His tongue swirls over me as I feel his fingers slide in between my folds. "Fuck." I groan, threading my fingers though his hair. I hear him chuckle, yet he still continues. He keeps moving his fingers at a steady pace as he pulls away, leaning up to kiss me. "You taste fucking amazing." His lips graze mine and I taste my wetness on his tongue. My hands ghost over his biceps as our tongues dance together. He pulls his fingers out and I let out a soft whimper.

He pins my wrists above my head with one hand as the other pulls off his boxers, letting his length hit my thigh. He runs his tip between my folds and lets out a loud groan. "Baby, you're soaking wet." I moan in agreement, "this is what you do to me Mr. Rogers." He slowly moves into me, my back arching. "Fuck." He groans as he goes in inch by inch until he is fully inside. He leans forward on his forearms, resting his head in my neck.

Picking up the pace, his thrusts become longer and deeper. His mouth covers mine, silencing the moans that escape my lips. "You're mine." "I've always been yours." I mumble against his lips.

My walls clench around him as he grazes my g-spot with each thrust. "Steve..." I groan loudly, feeling the burning sensation wash over me. I was as tight as I could be around him, and he was loving every second of it. "Steve...I'm gonna cum." He releases my wrists and I drape them across his back. "Let go, baby." He whispers in my ear, his tone a little strained. The euphoric wave washes over me and a few seconds later I feel him spell inside of me. His motions slow down slightly as we both come down from the high. He rests his forehead against mine and gives me a long, wet kiss. "I fucking love you Mrs. Rogers."

My heart swells at his words and a large smile crosses my face. "I love you so much." I feel him slowly pull out, my body feeling empty.

He lays down next to me and pulls me into his arms. He begins toying with a lock of my hair, twirling it around his finger as we sit comfortably in the bed for a while.


Steve and I had navigated to the balcony of the room, overlooking the sparkling ocean below. The warm breeze carried the scent of saltwater while the sound of waves crashed against the rocks. Steve's arms were wrapped tightly around me, the moon illuminating the sky. "This is the most beautiful place I've ever been." He whispered, resting his chin on my shoulder. I leaned back into him, feeling his warmth against my bare skin, a blanket draped loosely around my body. "I never want to leave."

We stood in silence for a moment, enjoying each other's company and the stunning view. "I can't imagine this life with anyone else. You're my everything." Steve whispered, pressing a kiss on my exposed shoulder and moving up towards my neck. I turned around inches arms as he pulled me in for a tender kiss, savoring the softness of his lips against mine. He held me close as we got lost in the moment.

I snuggled closer into his embrace after pulling away. "You know, I was thinking we should sight see. We didn't really get a chance to last time we were here. The whole 'fugitive' thing really put a damper on that." He said, keeping me close. "Any great ideas, Captain?" "The colosseum, we could go sailing, eat so much pasta and drink so much wine..."

"That sounds amazing." I lifted myself up a little, closing the distance between our lips. The night grew colder and we retreated back into the room, curling up together on the bed.

The next morning Steve decided to wake me up bright and early for a trip to the Colosseum. To say I was grouchy was an understatement. I think I was grouchier then Bucky usually was. He instantly made up for it in the shower and then by feeding me breakfast.

As we stepped through the ancient arches and into he Colosseum, I felt a sense of awe wash over me. It was truly breathtaking. Steve took my hand in his and we walked down the path. He would point out different parts of the structure and recite history about it. The man loved history, after all, he was practically an artifact himself.

We climbed the steps to the top ring of the amphitheater and looked out over the city. Steve wrapped his large arms around me from behind and held me close as we took in the view. It was peaceful up here. "You know, I never thought I'd get to experience something like this." I said, leaning back into him. He rested his chin on my shoulder, "I'm glad I could be the one to give it to you." I turned my head to look at him, and our eyes meet. I pressed my lips to his, savoring the moment.

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