Chapter 17

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Everyone charges at Thanos' army and both sides collide. Steve and Thor skillfully fight together while I use my powers, crushing Thanos' army with rubble. I see Wanda near me and I run up to her, colliding into her body, hugging her. She wraps her arms around me, "let's kick his ass." She smirks and red and blue energy blasts radiate off of our hands.

"We need to get the stones back to where they came from!" Bruce yells over our communication devices. "We have no way to get them back! Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel." Tony says, flying overhead in his Iron Man suit, fighting off the army.

"Hold on!" Scott pauses for a moment, "That wasn't our only time machine!" All of a sudden his van starts playing La Cucaracha. "Any one see an ugly, brown van?" Steve asks, looking around. "Yes, but babe, you're not gonna like where it's parked!" I hear him sigh and look at the van parked in the middle of Thanos' army. "Scott, how long do you need to get that thing working?"

"Maybe 10 minutes!"

"Get it started, then Taylor will get the stones to you!" Steve yells, fighting off more of the army.

"I think we should move out of Brooklyn!" "Really? You wanna talk about this now?" Steve grunts and I force a large energy blast out of my hands, knocking the Chitauri aliens down that were surrounding Steve and I. I shrug, "I don't know, change of pace." He smiles and shakes his head, throwing his shield, decapitating an alien behind me. "Italy? Bet I can get us that villa again. Duck!" He throws his shield over my head and I catch the shield with my powers, grabbing it with my hands. I hold it and walk up to him, placing it on his arm. "I love you." "I love you too." I give him a quick kiss and we exit our little 'bubble' and resume the mission of fighting off Thanos' army.

I look over and see Wanda going after Thanos and quickly run over to join her. "You took everything from me." She spits out at him. "I don't even know who you are." He looks down on her. "You will." With her powers, Wanda picks up some debris on the ground and starts to crush Thanos with it. I watch him try to kill her with his double-bladed sword but I catch it and push it away. She smirks at me, further crushing him. "!" Thanos gets out.

His space ships start to fire at the battle field, flinging Wanda and I away. Steve rushes over to me, shielding me with his shield from the cannons. After about a minute, the cannons change direction, firing at something in the air. "What the hell is this?" Sam asks. "Friday, what are they firing at?"

A bright light of energy comes surging down as Carol Danvers flies through the ship, destroying it. It crash lands into the lake.

"Got it! Cap, Taylor! It's ready!"

I look at Steve, "Go." I launch myself off the ground as Wanda, Pepper, Valkyrie, and Carol make sure nothing gets in my way. All of a sudden, a blade flies past me, destroying the tunnel. "Steve, it's destroyed." I look over at him as he, Tony, and Thor all charge at Thanos. He knocks Tony away first, then Thor.

"NO!" I scream as I watch Thanos dig his blade into Steve's side. Steve's falls to his knees. I teleport myself closer to them, hands glowing a deep blue.

"Give me the stones or he dies." Thanos looks at me, now holding his blade to Steve's neck. "Taylor, don't." He looks at me as tears flow freely down my face. I quickly glance towards Tony, who gives a slight nod. "Taylor, look at me." I look back at Steve, "It's okay." I sob and look at him, shaking my head. "Time's up."

"NO!" I scream and open a blue portal, pulling the gauntlet towards me. I hold it tightly in my arms, "Let him go." I glare at him as he smirks, holding out his hand. I start to push the gauntlet towards him as he removes the blade from Steve's neck, kicking him down. I drop my hold on the glove and rush to Steve's side. "Taylor-" "No. I can't lose you. Don't ever ask me to lose you." I sob as he places a hand on my cheek. I place my hand on his side, where Thanos had stabbed him.

Thanos slides the gauntlet onto his hand, yelling from the gamma radiation radiating through his body. Tony flies at him in one last attack but gets punched away. Thanos smirks and looks down at us, "I am...inevitable."

I hold on tightly to Steve and bury my head into his chest as Thanos snaps his fingers.

Nothing happens except a metallic clink. He flips his hand over and the stones are missing. "And Man." Tony snaps his fingers. "NO!" I yell as I see the gamma radiation coursing through him. In a blinding flash of white, Thanos and his army slowly crumble into ash. I crawl over to Tony, the raw energy from the gauntlet has burnt his entire right side. He collapses next to a pile of debris. "Taylor?" "I'm here." I hold onto him tightly as Peter Parker, Spiderman, flies down and sees Tony collapsed. He quickly approaches Tony and I and starts to cry. "Hey- Mr. Stark? Can you hear me? It's Peter. Hey. We won, Mr. Stark- We won. Mr. Stark, you did it, sir. You did it." He's knelt next to Tony and I and he latches onto him in a hug.

"Tony...I just got you's too soon." I cry and place my hand on his cheek. "Tay, it's okay." He barely moves his head but looks at me in the eye. Pepper walks up behind Peter, placing a hand on his shoulder leading him aside. She knees down next to Tony. "Hey..." "Hey, Pep." He says quietly, like he said my name. Pepper places her hand on his arc reactor and he rests his left hand on top of hers. "Friday?" Her voice breaks. "Life functions critical." I sob and let my head fall onto his shoulder.

Pepper pulls me into her side as I sob into her chest. Tony smiles at us, tears in his eyes. "Tony. Look at me." She smiles at him, letting him take a long look at her. "Taylor, Morgan, and I...we're gonna be okay. You can rest now." I feel her tears fall onto my head as she holds me close and look at Tony for one last time. His arc reactor slowly flickers off and Pepper breaks down, crying into my head as she holds tightly onto me.

One by one everyone kneels down, honoring Tony's sacrifice. Steve kneels down next to me and I feel his hand rest on my shoulder. I quickly turn around, throwing my arms around him. He holds me close to his body as he lets me quietly sob into his chest. He remains silent, just holding onto me tightly.

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