Chapter 5

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We all quickly board the jet Tony and Nebula came in. Rocket gets into the pilot seat alongside Nebula, "Okay...who here hasn't been to space?" Nat, Taylor, Rhodey, and I all raise our hands. He sighs and shakes his head, "You better not throw up on my ship."

He takes off and we fly for a few minutes, "approaching jump in 3..2..1!" The ship jumps through a wormhole and I grip onto the seat and Taylor's hand tightly. The ship slows down and hovers above the planet seen on the hologram. Carol appears in front of the ship, "I'll head down for recon." She flies down and we all wait anxiously.

"This is gonna work, Steve." I look over towards Natasha, "I know it will...cause I don't know what I'm going to do if it doesn't." I look over at Taylor who gives my hand a squeeze and a small smile. I look back up and see Carol now approaching the ship, "no satellites, no ships, no armies, no ground defenses of any kind...It's just him." "And that's enough." Bruce says.

Rocket lands the ship on the ground in a lush tropical area surrounding a shed. We look up and see a scarecrow made of Thanos' armor. Carol flies in first, through the roof, knocking Thanos down and grabbing his neck in a headlock. Bruce, in the Hulkbuster suit bursts through next and grab's Thanos' arm with the infinity gauntlet. Thor flies in next and slices of the arm with the gauntlet. Rhodey and Rocket fly in as Nat, Taylor, and I walk in. I look over at Rocket as he kicks the gauntlet over, "oh no."

"Where are they??" I glare at Thanos as he smirks.

"Answer the question!" Carol tightens her grip around his neck.

"The universe required correction. After that, the stones serves no purpose, beyond temptation." He spoke.

"You murdered trillions!" Bruce shoves him to the ground. "You should be grateful." The mumbles and Bruce punches him.

"Okay so where are the stones?" Taylor asks.

"Gone..reduced to atoms." He looks up at us from the ground, "I used the stones to destroy the stones. It nearly killed me, but the work is done and it always will be. I am...inevitable." We all look at each other in disbelief.

"We have to tear this place apart...he, he, he has to be lying!"

"My father is many things, but a liar is not one of them." Nebula looks to the ground.

I look up at Thor and see his face filled with rage and  before anyone can react, he slices Thanos' head clean off. Carol and Bruce let go, letting his limp body fall to the floor. "What did you do?" Rocket looks up at Thor as he storms out of the shed.

"I went for the head."

Taylor's POV

- 2 years later -

It's been two years since the 'blip' and we exhausted every method we could think of to bring everybody back. Nat stayed at the compound while Rocket, Carol, Okoye, and Rhodey all spread out across the world and universe to assess and help with the events caused by Thanos' snap. Steve and I remained in New York but moved into a nice one bedroom apartment in Brooklyn.

"Steve?" "Yea?" He turned his head and looked at me. He was currently cooking us some dinner while I sat at the counter doing an iron man puzzle. "Have you spoken to Nat?" He sighed and turned his head back to his cooking. "Last week. She's not doing to well." I looked up from the puzzle and watched Steve's back muscles flex as he was cooking. "I'll stop by and see her on my way back from Tony's place tomorrow. You sure you still don't want to come?"

"I don't think I should." He moves over to the cabinet and pulls out two bowls, dividing the pasta. "I'm still not exactly one of his favorite people." I stood up and walked over to him, wapping my arms around his waist. "But you're MY favorite person." I smiled up at him and gave him a kiss. "I'll go see Nat, you spend time with Tony." He kissed my head and hands me the bowl of spaghetti with meatballs he had made.

We walk over towards our living room and sit down on the couch. There wasn't much on TV anymore after everything happened, so Steve and I turned on an old movie. We ate and talked about anything and everything. Steve had been hosting this support group once a week for people affected by the blip. It had really been helping us both to talk about what happened, not just the battle with Thanos, but our past too.

Steve and I finished our dinner and I sat cuddled into his side with a hand under his shirt, rubbing small circles on his chest. Although things had been awful since Thanos, Steve and I had been doing really well together, thankful that both of us are still here. He placed a hand on my cheek and pulled my lips to his while grabbing my hips, pulling me onto his lap. I quickly straddled him and put my hands on his face, kissing him deeply. His hands attached to my waist, pulling my hips down onto him. I felt his hardness pressing into my thigh through his sweatpants. I let out a soft moan into our kiss and bite his lip gently. "Take me to bed Steve..." I whisper against his lips.

He moans in agreement and stands up, lifting me with him. I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries us to the bedroom, lightly placing me on the bed. "I love you." He puts a strand of hair behind my ear softly. "I love you too." He kisses me deeply again as we hastily remove our clothes, throwing them on the floor.

He runs a hand down my chest and to my slit slowly, placing kisses along my neck. His thumb circled my clit slowly before he pushed two fingers into me, stretching me out. "Oh god...Steve...." I moan as my back arches off of the bed. His lips attach to one of my nipples, moving his tongue in small circles. He releases my nipple with a pop before moving to the second one, giving it the same attention.

His fingers continued to pound into me and I pulled his head up and into a bruising kiss. My hands gripped the back of his neck as his fingers lightly brush against my G-spot. "Steve..." I panted and he chuckled, removing his fingers. He maintained eye contact with me as he placed his fingers in his mouth, sucking my juices off of them.

His cock quickly slipped past my entrance and his hand squeezed my hip. "Fuck..." Steve groaned and threw his head back. He lifted one of my legs and bent it against my body so he could slam into me deeper. Our loud moans were the only other sound besides our skin slapping together. "Shit! You feel so good baby." I moaned in response and dug my nails into his shoulders. I could feel my self clenching around him, causing him to let out a feral noise. "Steve..." "I know, cum baby." I gripped him tightly and bit down hard on his shoulder, releasing all over him.

He buried his face in my neck as he thrusted a few more times, releasing deep inside of me. His thrusts slowed down as we both caught our breaths. He set my leg down and pulled out of me slowly. "Wait here." He pushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear and got off the bed, walking into the restroom. He came back a minute later with a washcloth and cleaned me up.

He grabbed his t-shirt off the floor and handed it to me as he pulled on his boxers before getting in bed next to me.

"Taylor?" "Hmm?" "Marry me?"

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