Chapter 9

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We finally made our way back down the steps and decided to go grab a nice Italian dinner with lots of pasta and wine. We strolled through the streets of Rome, taking in the charming ambiance of the city. We arrived just as the sun was setting, the sky filled with orange and pink hues, and were seated at a cozy table on the outdoor patio. The aroma of garlic, olive oil, and fresh basil filled the air as we looked over the menu.

"Mr and Mrs. Rogers, it has come to my attention that you're meal is being paid for tonight by a  Mr. Stark. He also informed me to bring you a bottle of our finest wine." The waiter said, dropping a bottle of wine, likely no less than $500, on the table.

"How does he know where we are?" Steve asks me, looking somewhat annoyed. "He's my big brother. Do you expect anything less." I laughed and Steve shook his head.

I decided to order the spaghetti alle vongole, a dish made with fresh clams, garlic, and white wine. Steve opted for the rigatoni alla carbonara, which was served with pancetta, egg yolks, and pecorino romano cheese.

The waiter notated out orders and swiftly walked back into the restaurant. The food was exquisite, and we savored every bite. We talked about our future together, our plans for a family, and reminisced about how far we had come. It felt surreal to be in this beautiful city, celebrating our love and the life we had built. As the night progressed, we ordered a second bottle of wine, courtesy of Tony, and shared a tiramisu for dessert. We talked and laughed late into the night, lost in our own little world.

Steve reached across the table and took my hand, looking deeply into my eyes, "This has been a perfect evening." His blue eyes sparkling in the lights. "I agree." I nod and smile back at him. "So what's next?"

"I was thinking we could go sailing? Some swimming?" "Sounds amazing, Steve."


As we set sail on the blue waters off the coast of Italy, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment with Steve. The sun was warm on our faces and the wind was cool in our hair as we took in the beautiful views of the Mediterranean Sea. The boat was piloted by a local Italian sailor who pointed out various landmarks and scenic views, telling us stories about the history of the area.

As we sailed on, the sailor stopped at a cove and informed us this would be the best place for a dip in the water. The water was so clear that we could see the colorful fish swimming below us. I took off my sundress, revealing the small blue bikini. Steve let out a groan and his hands found my waist. "This is making me want to do un Captain America like things right now..." He whispered. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth and pressed my body up against him. I could feel his erection poking me through his swim trunks. "Guess you'll have to wait until we get back." I winked at him and walked over to the back of the boat, getting on the platform before jumping in. The water was warm, inviting, and refreshing. Steve jumped into the water after me and pulled me into his arms.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his chest as we floated in the sea. I felt so alive and free as I swam with Steve, our bodies intertwined in the water. We swam for a while, stealing kisses here and there. As we swam back to the boat, Steve helped me up the ladder, his strong arms lifting me easily. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss, my body pressed against his. We held each other tightly, our love igniting like the passion of the Italian sun.

We laid down on the boat, basking in the sun as it took us back around the coast and to the shore. "That was amazing." I said, turning my head to look at Steve. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." Steve said, leaning over to press a soft kiss to my cheek. "I want to make sure this honeymoon is unforgettable for you."

"Well you're doing a pretty good job so far." I replied, rolling into his side. "Thank you, I love you." I pressed a kiss to his lips. "I love you too." He squeezed my hand gently and I rested my head on his chest. We sat quietly for a while, enjoying the warmth of the sun on our skin and the gentle rocking of the boat.

The boat approached the dock and Steve lifted me out before paying the sailor and thanking him for everything. "What do you say we take this party back to our villa?" Steve says, throwing his arm over my shoulder. "I'd say that sounds like a really good idea." Steve's hand was firmly in mine as we walked along the shore, admiring the stunning views of the Italian coastline. We walked past a small gelato shop and decided to indulge in some sweet treats. Steve ordered a scoop of pistachio while I opted for chocolate.

We continued to walk back to our villa, enjoying our ice cream and the cool breeze coming off the water. As we approached our front door, Steve took my hand and pulled me in for a kiss. We entered the villa and collapsed on the couch, still savoring our ice cream. Steve's arm was around me as we watched the sunset from the large windows in our living room. "This has been the perfect honeymoon." Steve said, kissing the top of my head. "It really has," I agreed, leaning into him. "I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together."

We spent our last day in Italy lounging around the villa, taking in the breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea and making love to each other. As much as we didn't want to leave this paradise, we knew we had to go back to reality. Steve and I packed our bags and prepared to leave for the airport. As we walked out of the villa, we grabbed some gelato to enjoy one last taste of Italy. We strolled along the cobblestone streets, hand in hand, savoring every moment we had left in this beautiful country.

We arrived at the airport and boarded our flight back to New York. As we stepped through the door of our Brooklyn apartment, I couldn't help but let out a sigh of contentment. Our honeymoon in Italy was incredible, but it felt good to be home. Steve put down our suitcases and walked up to me, taking me in his arms. "You know," he said, "I was thinking about what you said on the plane ride back. About having kids." I nodded, feeling a wave of excitement mixed with nervousness wash over me. "And?" I asked. "I think it's a great idea." He said, his eyes sparkling with happiness. "I mean, we've been through so much together. We should start a family soon." I smiled, feeling tears of joy prick at the corners of my eyes. "I couldn't agree more," I said, leaning in to kiss him.

As we pulled away, I felt a warmth spreading through my chest. Steve and I had been through so much together, and the idea of starting a family with him filled me with happiness. It was the next chapter of our lives, and I was ready to embrace it with open arms.

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