Painting Nails💅💖

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Mentions of SA



[Kuina's Pov]


I was tired and went to go find my besties: Chishiya and Last Boss! I can't wait to paint my nails with them!!

I strolled down the corridor while looking for them. I saw Chishiya and started walking over to him.

He was leaning against a wall with his hood on, what an emo person. I pulled off his hood and dragged him to my room so I could paint his nails.

"Kuina tf you doing" he said moodily.

I ignored him happily and went to find Last Boss.

[Last Boss's Pov]


I was on the roof with Niragi, shooting some traitors and having a laugh when I heard stomping up the stairs and I held up my finger to silence Niragi.

I positioned my gun just in case it was a traitor or some random dealer.

The borderlands are so stupid. A visa??! Tf. The stomping grew louder and it turned out to be..!!!!


I sighed and was going to go back to killing when she grabbed my bald ahh head and dragged me to her room.

"Kuina!! Whats wrong with you?!" I yelled.

She ignored me and I found out she had kidnaped Chishiya too.

"Alright, now that I have my two best friends, let's start!"

She says excitedly. Chishiya looked pretty grumpy.

I was just scared of what Kuina was planning for us..

[Chishiya's Pov]


Kuina is so damn annoying. She dragged me to her room when I could be getting them cards rn.

I really want those cards. I want to get out of his hell-hole and go back to the real world.

But I obviously can't because Kuina has kidnapped me and is forcing us to paint our nails.

"What colours do you guys want?" She asks brightly.

She showed us all the nail varnishes, baby pink, baby blue, baby yellow and green.

I groaned. This was so childish.

Last Boss hesitated and took the green varnish. I took the blue and Kuina grabbed the pink.

Me and Last Boss had obviously never painted our nails before and were struggling, meanwhile Kuina was doing decently and chatting to us as if we wanted to.

She kidnaped us ffs.

[Kuina Pov]


This was so fun! I loved painting my nails while kidnapping my two best friends.

Anyway in the end I helped them and then I let them go.

I flopped on my bed and sighed. What do I do now?

I suppose I could annoy somebody else..

But who?

AHHAHAA NIRAGI!!! I hate his guts anyway.

He tried to SA Usagi twice aswell!!

The audacity this man has! he's an oompa loompa from Ohio.

I skipped out of my room to go find the straight as a ruler man.

He was on the rooftop talking to Aguni, yadayadayada so boring.

I walked over to them and grabbed Niragi's hair and pulled it super hard.


He screamed. I just giggled and pulled out a strand and tossed it in Aguni's face.

He grumbled annoyingly. Niragi slowly stood up to face me and shoved his gun in between us.

"Your so fucking annoying Kuina"

He muttered. I smiled at him and then threw one of Shiya's magic unicorn bombs in his face and stepped back.

Shiya told me to use it when I was in danger, Niragi basically is danger right?

I watched pink glitter erupt everywhere while Aguni just stood there in shock.

Niragi was spluttering and coughing and it was so fucking hilarious.

"Bye loser!" I yelled brightly and skipped away.

I was too tired and went to my dorm, changed clothes and fell asleep.

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