King of Spades♠️- Reunion⏳️

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(Borderlands AU❕)
(TW: Mentions of blood & violence)

(Kuina Pov)
Lifesaver. I saw Ann and Tatta in the car with Tatta climbing out to yell 'get in!' I ran as fast as I could, there were so many gun-shots and explosions who knew what could happen at any second? I flung open the door, panting and turned to check-up on Chishiya when I realized he was still outside. A bomb fell right at his feet. 'Shit, drive Ann!' He shouted and dived behind a nearby car. Ann stepped on the pedal and we zoomed off as we left Chishiya and the explosions behind us.

I felt so bad. I left him, and who knows if he was still alive? I was getting duller and duller while Tatta was trying to cheer me up, when Ann skidded to a halt by a dumpster area and got out to inspect the car for damage. It was quiet here but you could still here slight bursts of screaming, gun-shots and explosions from afar.

(Chishiya Pov)
I sighed as the car dashed off. Now I had zero communication thanks to my lack of social skills. My visa was going to run out soon so I went go find a game - Jack of Hearts♥️.

Its been around I'd say 11 hours. I was exhausted but bro, those biscuits were bussin bussin. Everyone was so stupid it was sad that no-one trusted each other. The Jack of Hearts flyer in the sky was bombed and as it burned, I tried to dodge the massive flames and ran with my hands in my pockets to a safer place. Even though I kinda betrayed Kuina in the ten of hearts I still missed her. And maybe Arisu and Usagi a little bit too.

(Kuina Pov)
Arisu beat Kyuma in the last seconds of the game and holy shit I thought these were the last seconds of my life. I wrung the blood-soaked cardigan around Tatta's arm for the third time and attempted to carry him to a nearby car so we could complete the games. I missed Chishiya.

(Time skip to King of Spades♠️)

Me and Aguni stared in horror as we saw Heiya and Ann get shot down, blood splattering the concerete walls. Aguni was angry as hell and attempted to kill Shirabi but got into a headlock and was starting to choke. I couldn't let Aguni die so I jumped in, rolled him to the side away from Aguni and punched him in the face multiple times which did nothing apparently. He took out a knife and stabbed me multiple times in my side. I screamed out in pain and agony as blood gushed from the wound. Usagi tried to save me and attempted to pull him off but unluckily got stabbed in the thigh. I don't know what happened next but my vision was starting to blur and black out. I guess I'm dying after all.

I woke up to the smell of burning. Arisu and Aguni had killed the King of Spades because the flyer was burning in the sky. Everywhere hurt and my skin was soaked with blood. I don't think I'll ever see Chishiya again. Ann, Heiya and Aguni were all on the ground still fighting to survive. I lay on the blood splattered concrete and sighed. I hope I'll be alive by the time Arisu and Usagi finish the games.

(Chishiya Pov)
'Did you mean to miss out on a vital organ?!' I yelled sarcastically to Niragi. Even though I was bleeding severely I still had to humiliate him. Arisu shot him off the car and he fell onto the now blood-stained grass. My wound was getting darker and bigger but I trudged on to find somebody other than Niragi. He's such an asshole.

I found a dumpster nearby and headed towards it. Its been so long since I had any food and I missed the comfort of Kuina. I recognized the bodies and they turned out to be Ann and Heiya. They were hanging onto life by a thread. 'Shiya!' I heard a strained voice say. I turned around and it was Kuina! I rushed over to her and gave her my jacket to support her wound. 'I thought I'd never see you again' she whispered close to sobbing. 'Me too' I said smiling faintly. I dropped to the ground - mostly from exhaustion and blood loss and lay on the ground with Kuina, Aguni, Heiya and Ann close by.

Fireworks gleamed from the sky, illuminating everyone's wounded faces. 'Would you like to become a permanent citizen of the Borderlands?' A robotic voice asked spreading the message throughout all those who were still alive. 'I refuse' I said with a strained voice. 'I decline' I hear Aguni mutter. 'I don't want it!' Heiya sobs. 'Let's go back together' Kuina whispers, reffering to Ann who was unconscious and held her hand softly. My vision and hearing were fading out and I finally closed my eyes, tired of this madness.

a/n hh super long chapter💪i think im gonna rewrite all the aib games but with my own catch and um yea🤭if u have any suggestions pls comment💗peace<33

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