Pet Store🐶🏠

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(Modern day AU obviously☠️)
(Usagi Pov)
I know Arisu is a guy who loves showing affection, and he's a sweet person. I always pondered on the fact that maybe he should have someone other than me. A pet. A dog. I knew he was a dog person and I know that he had one when he was little but it passed away, anyways I wanted to spend some money soo let's go!

(Arisu Pov)
I was gaming with Karube and Chota, hell yeah we were gonna win this game! 'Arisu! Can I talk with you for a second?' Usagi yelled. We were so close to getting an achievment. 'Yeah? Just tell me now!' I shouted back. 'Alright so I was wondering, do you want a dog?' She asked me. My eyes immediately lit up and I abandoned the game. 'Hey Arisu?! Arisu we still have one more boss!!' Karube yelled but I had already set down my Xbox and had my full attention towards Usagi.

(Usagi Pov)
'Alright, so I was thinking that we could go to the pet store, hang-out with Kuina and Chishiya and maybe go shopping or to the library?' I shrug. I seriously dunno most of Arisu's interests🤷‍♀️. He beamed at me and nodded, I've never seen him this happy since that time we escaped the Borderlands. 'Yess! Let's go right now!' He squealed. Me, Kuina and not really Chishiya already planned to meet at the pet shop so Arisu and I went off.

(Chishiya Pov)
Ugh why get a pet when you could be alone?! This is stupid. I left my apartment to go meet-up with Kuina.

'Chia!' Usagi yelled for me. I walked up to her and waved. 'Shiyaa!' Kuina squealed and hugged me, I stood still tho bc I'm not a hugging person y'know. Arisu was jumping up and down in excitement, talking to Usagi about the kind of animal he wanted and shit. Pets are so much work I seriously don't get the hype for it.

(Arisu Pov)

'So Arisu, what kinda of dog do you want?' Kuina asks me. Hmm. I hadn't really thought of which dog I wanted, I wanted them all :(
'I dunno' I shrugged back. We entered the shop and I ran around, looking for a dog of my liking. Chishiya looked so uncomfortable it was sad☠️. I spotted a pomeranian tho, it was SO FUCKING FLUFFYY SQJSBSAHS😍😍😍. I loved all of them, especially the corgis🥺🥺. But Usagi told me to only pick one :(( So I picked the pomeranian 💗. 'AAQHWQUQ THANK YOU SO MUCH USAGI' I squealed, she looked a bit baffled at the price but paid nevertheless. We had to fill in all these forms and shit, it was so boringg😭😭☠️☠️. JUST LET ME TAKE MY FUCKING DOG OMG😭😭.

(Kuina Pov)
ayy Arisu's getting a dog✨️✨️. I wanted a pet too tho. It was so lonely when I didn't communicate with Ann and Usagi. Plus I don't live with my parents bc my dads such a bitch🙄. So I bought one. A parrot!!! :DDD Usagi and Chishiya looked kinda pissed to fill in another form but anyway🤷‍♀️ I had the money. It was one of em rainbow birdiess🐦🦜🌈. I ain't good with breeds and shit so stfu. I was gonna name it.. KIWI!!! BEST NAME FRFR, AND IF YOU DISAGREE THEN JUST POOP OFF.

(Chishiya Pov)
Help Kuina's getting a bird or smth. Nah and that dog smells so fucking crusty. Ughh and we had to fill in another one of those forms again for fucks sake Kuinaa. Her and Arisu were fangirling over their new pets. I can't wait to go back to my bedroom and fall asleep.

(Usagi Pov)
We finally went out the shop and went to look for a restraunt nearby. We spent like 3 hours tryna fill in all the forms and shitt. Anyway we eventually found one, ordered some drinks and snacks and sat down to chat. Kuina and Arisu were fighting over which was better. 'Milkshakes are better!' 'NO BOBA IS BETTER!!' She yelled. 'BOBA TASTES LIKE TRASH!!' He shouted and made fake gagging noises. Those kids are so dramatic. Chishiya looked like he was about to fall asleep💀.

The drinks finally came, we just shoved the snacks in a bag and went to a nearby park. We had to wait till tomorrow or smth to get Arisu's dog bc they had to do some shit and Arisu wouldn't stop complaining about wanting his dog🙄🙄. We hung out on some benches till sunset, it was a nice moment.

(Kuina Pov)
AYY IM GETTING MY PARROT TOMORROW💪💪✨️✨️😍😍. KIWII HERE I COME🥝🥝🥝. Anyways it was getting dark and we all said goodbye and headed home. I ran to my room, flopped on my bed and thought about how my life will change with Kiwi in it soon🥝.

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