Boys Day In🎮🕶️

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(Modern AU❕️✨️) Pt.2 to 'Girls Day Out'
(Arisu Pov)
Usagi left to go hang-out with her friends, and now I'm left alone with nobody to talk to. So I texted Karube and Chota.

Gaming Pals🎮

arisu4life: guys do you wanna come over bc usagi left me😞

karubies: L bozo, but sure

chota_123: ok!! Let me get ready and I'll come over :D

arisu4life: 👍

I sighed and turned off my phone. Seriously, what would I do without them? 'Ding' I checked my phone again.

Gaming Pals🎮

karubies: im inviting tatta btw hes good fun tbh

chota_123: ok!! I'll invite Chishiya, if Arisu allows it :)

arisu4life: mm sure ig

I turned off my phone again and went to have a shower.

(Karube Pov)
Man Arisu doesn't have his bitch anymore lmfao. Lonely ass bitch. I changed into something more trendy and headed out. It was a nice day out, something I hadn't experienced in a while. The Borderlands were always gloomy. Back to the point, I saw Chota in the distance talking with Tatta. Tatta's one of the good ones. Cool and easy-going. Opposite me, I'm a fireball😡. I greeted them and we all walked to Arisu's house, laughing and chatting.

(Chishiya Pov)
Ugh whose texting me again.

chota_123: chia do u wanna hangout at Arisu's? Me, Karube, Tatta and Arisu. Wanna come?'

chishiya★: mk

chota_123: yay! Cya there👋!

I sighed. Today was supposed to be my free day. Whatever. I packed my bag and walked to Arisu's house.

(Arisu Pov)
'Ring a ding' 'Stop pushing me you fucking dickhead!' I could hear them yelling so I ran to get the door. 'Uhm hey guys' I said awkwardly. Chota and Karube were shouting at each other while Tatta was watching silently. 'Em come in' I gestgured to come inside. I'm such a sad host☠️. Chota ran in like a kid and rushed around the place, inspecting it and taking note of the house layout. Karube plopped down on the couch and scrolled on Tiktok. Tatta waited by the door and chatted with me to wait for Chishiya. 'I wonder where that dickwad is' Karube mumbled.

(Chishiya Pov)
Ugh omg Kuina won't stop spamming me. I muted her and tried to find the way to Arisu's house. I listened to music with my airpods and walked around the block. It will definitely take a damn while to find his home since he didn't give me his stupid address.

(Tatta Pov)
I was getting worried about Chishiya, I don't think he's one to cancel plans or abandon them. I told Arisu I'd be back and looked around for Chia. I saw him nearby tho and beckoned him to follow me.

We arrived back at Arisu's house and decided to watch some horror movies with a bunch of snacks. Me and Chota were fucking terrified while Karube and Chishiya seemingly enjoyed it. Arisu was neutral with it. Then we all had a pillow fight and attempted to cook something. 'AGHGH I BURNED MY FUCKING HAND' Karube screamed. 'Hey umm guys I think i burned the pasta' Chota says awkwardly. 'HOW DO YOU BURN PASTA CHOTA?!' Arisu yelled. Chishiya looked unfazed while I tried to clean up the huge mess on the floor caused by me😞.

(Arisu Pov)
It was fun, I had to admit but my friends were so stupid it was actually sad☠️🤦‍♀️. Chishiya looked pretty left-out but tbh if he were to hang-out with us, he better get used to this humour.

We all stayed up till 3am, gaming our asses off except for Chishiya who fell asleep long long ago. And y'know what happens to those who sleep first at sleepovers😏. We all grabbed some markers and started decorating Shiya's face. Karube and Chota wrote a bunch of 'your moms' and 'your dads' while Tatta and me drew a bunch of love-hearts and girly shit. Boy was he gonna be mad🤭.

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