Osmosis-If only-🧢🩹

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(If Tatta never died, Borderlands AU)
TW: Mentions of blood/arm getting amputated and spoilers⚠️.

Players: 15200 points King: 15300 points
King is leading by 100 points. Remaining time: 15 minutes

(Usagi Pov)
Holy shit could we actually lose? There were no more items to collect and Arisu was panicking, the other team were camping at the base knowing they were going to win. Tatta was whispering something in Arisu's ear and it seemed like they had a plan. I did care if we all died but in my last moments of my life I might as well take a stroll around.

(Arisu Pov)
'Tatta! Are you fucking mental? If you die, I'll kill myself!' I yell. 'I accidently did it to my boss and ever since then, I was fired. Please just do it' he mumbled. Tatta's plan was for me to slam a big heavy door on his hand in an attempt to slide off the bracelet, it didn't really matter tho did it? We were all gonna die at one point. Fuck it.

'Tatta are you sure?' He nodded bravely and positioned his arm to the door. 'Come on! We only have another 10 minutes!' I was shaking but if this was to save Usagi and the others, might as well.

(Kuina Pov)
I heard a container door slam shut and a scream, I turned around in alarm. What the fuck. 'ARISU!' I yelled at the top of my lungs. I sprinted towards the person he was trying to murder or smth and struggled to open the door back up. It was Tatta, how could he do this?! 'TATTA HOLY SHIT WHAT, WHY?!' was all I could scream out. Arisu explained their plan while Tatta was groaning in pain and struggling to take off the bracelet. Blood was dripping from his arm to the ground and soon there was a big stain on the concrete. The bracelet finally fell to the floor while Tatta dropped to his knees in exhaustion and pain. 'Fuck, Arisu get a cloth or something for fucks sake!!' I yelled. He took off his cardigan and wrapped it around Tatta's arm, the cloth instantly turning dark red. This plan was so stupid, how could they think like this?!

(Arisu Pov)
Tatta finally got the bracelet off, it was a gruesome sight but it wasn't me who came up with the plan anyway, it was for the best. I thanked and apologized him, grabbed the bracelet and ran to find Kyuma. I hid the bracelet secretly and approached the King of Clubs who was admiring the view. 'Kyuma thank you so much for teaching me the importance of friendship and leadership, err can we shake hands for the last time?' I asked with a guilty face. He smiled and offered his hand to me. I shook it and in the last minute, the scores were updated.

Players: 15300 points King: 15200 points
Player team is leading by 100 points. Remaining time: 0 minutes. Game over. Player team wins.

Kyuma was shocked. He realized my hidden bracelet and sighed. His team were angry at him for letting his guard down last second but still thanked him for getting them this far into the Borderlands. I saw Usagi in the distance absolutely stunned by the sudden change but right now I couldn't go over to celebrate. I'm sorry Kyuma' I said with my head bowed down in guilt. He smiled sadly, 'You really are a smart one, congratulations Arisu'. 'What happens when we complete all the games?'I managed to stutter out-loud. 'I can't tell you now, but fate will. Your life is your own choice to make' he said in his last words, spread his arms and welcomed death. The lasers killed him and his team and it was all silent. I ran to find Tatta again.

He was bleeding out. Kuina was trying to urge him to stay with us while struggling not to cry. 'Fuck, carry him Kuina!' I muttered. We walked out the game venue and found some empty cars parked nearby. Tatta's wrist was broken and unable to move but it seemed like he would survive. We dropped him behind the cars and hoped he would survive here. We still had to finish the rest of the face cards to get out of the Borderlands, and hoped to finished them before Tatta died. His visa seemed good enough and it was too dangerous for him to particiapte in any games anyway. All we could do was finish the games as quickly as possible to get Tatta back to the real world for proper treatment for his arm.

a/n uhm.. Sorry this is super crappy, I just wanted to try a new kind of writing for once and it was ok ig. Ending was just☠️i cant with endings☠️i rlly liked tatta and hated the fact he died and the fact heiya survived but he didnt so i made a chapter for if he survived❤️ peace✌️

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