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(Borderlands au, i just read the most scrum yum aib story on ao3 soo😘😘)

(Kuina Pov)

My shoulder hurt so badly I swear I was gonna pass out. This stupid ugly dude shot me when we were supposed to be on the same team🤨??! Like bro how dumb can u get☠️☠️

I went to go find Ann because she was the closest thing to a medical person when I bumped into Chishiya. 'Oh Kuina your shoulder' he said concerningly. I only thought Shiya was some video gaming person in the real world or idk I was just least expecting him to be a doctor out of all things. 'Your a doctor?!' I shrieked. 'A med student' he corrected and dragged me to his room. There were always random people on the beach dying and losing blood after a game, most of them dying after receiving no treatment when Chishiya has been a medical doctor this whole time?? Like what?😀🤠🤓🤡👽👾

He set me down on his bed, did all the doctor shit and let me go. But I didn't leave so soon. 'I'm gonna tell Hatter, last time Arisu was injured nobody helped him and only Ann did, your literally a professional doctor why would you stand there and watch them suffer??' I ranted. 'Because Arisu betrayed the beach, death to traitors? I'm surprised he's still alive and anyways then I would be too busy to hang out with you' he replied. I groaned, knowing I would never be able to make him admit his mistakes and left his room.

I hung out with Ann and told her Chishiya was a doctor all along. She raised an eyebrow but didn't look that surprised. 'Why would he make me stitch up all those people's wounds when I can't even stitch' she murmured. I shrugged and carried on gossiping with her.

Later on Usagi came back from a game and she felt nauseous so I told her to come with me. Chishiya could be really useful tbh. He gave her some painkillers and I went to find Hatter. I told him abt Shiya being a doctor and bro he looked surprised as fuck💀. 'Call Shuntaro over here will you please Kuina?' I nodded and smiled evily at my plan😈.

It turns out Shiya had to help the whole beach recover from their wounds and he looked really exhausted and frustrated because of me. At least everyone else was healthy now.

After 10 of hearts)

'My hard work for nothing' he sobbed as he watched everyone burn down or get shot by Niragi. 'I can't believe you care about those stitches more than the fact we almost got burned and lost the 10 of hearts aka dying Chishiya' I groaned. He stopped his pitiful act of crying and went to play the King of Diamonds.

a/n a draft i never posted umm i dont like this count this as a filler because im so unmotivated for no reason? Im gonna make a new one now emm byee<33

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