School Exam🏫💥

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(School AU)
(Kuina Pov)
My alarm rang ughh stupid school. I yawned and got out of bed to dress up and blahblahblah. It was our exam day or smth and-- I didn't revise😨🤭. Not surprising, I bought a parrot, he's the best🦜. Off topic, I ran out of my house forgetting about breakfast and zoomed off to school.

I met up with Ann and had a chat. 'Did you study for the exam?' I asked her nervously. 'Of course, I assume you didn't?' She teases me. I nod, I wouldn't have been this worried if I wasn't told that we would get held back if we didn't pass😨. The bell rang and I ran to my classroom.

In the room, there were a bijillion classmates, but out of a few, I could spot Ann, Arisu and Chishiya. Damn Chishiya as emo as ever. I sat down in my seat and fidgeted with my pencil, waiting for the exam to start instead of revising. I heard laughter from the halls and I turned my head. It was Heiya and her friends. Heiya used to be very spoiled and bratty but after the Borderlands she sorta changed. Her right leg was amputated and replaced with a prosthetic one, and she wasn't as cheerful as before. But she became braver and stronger. That's a girlboss right there. I miss Kiwi..

(Chishiya Pov)
I just know Kuina isn't gonna pass the exam. We won't be in the same grade anynore. I thought about what the solution could be, if she studied well then obviously it would have been easier for the both of us. Maybe I could cheat and give her the answers. Kuina was actually a cool person. And I didn't want a simple test to ruin our contact and friendship. I'm already pretty smart, I could surely carry Kuina to the next grade.

(Kuina Pov)
ACKKK!! I'm gonna fail this soo badly!! I glanced over to Arisu and he was silently studying his notes. Shit I should be doing that. I sighed. The teacher walked in, gave us all the papers and announced the exam would be starting rightt-- now! I started panicking, bruhh these questions. Find the equivalent resistant network?! Hell nah. I saw Chishiya suddenly slip me a piece of paper and I unfolded it. 1.A: 57.4 2.A: 143.2 and so on. I almost screamed of joy. I glanced over to Chishiya, trying to make my eyes look bright and happy and he seemed to get the message. He softly smiled. Now this is why I need a smart best friend.

I quickly finished the paper and gave it back to the teacher. Pheww! Panick over. After the bell rang I caught up to Shiya and thanked him. He just shrugged at me and left for his next class. I should be doing that too.

After school ★
As soon as the bell rang signalling for home time, I grabbed my bag and ran out the school. The exam results wouldn't come till next week. I missed Kiwi soo much🦜. I opened my door and in a bird cage was a rainbow ball sleeping🥺. I was totally gonna let Kiwi learn some words off me, swear words btw. But anyway he/she idk gender yet, was sleeping and it was boring when he/she slept. So I went to sleep 💤.

a/n sorry this is bad☠️ I was uh going through sm drama when it happened😅

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