Climbing Experiment🧗🧪

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(Arisu Pov)
Usagi is so brave, I feel like such a softie compared to her😞 What should I do? Ahh maybe take lessons from her :D? I went to go find her.

(Usagi Pov)
I was eating some beach food, nom nom nom tbh the food here ain't that bad. I could see Arisu in the distance walking towards me. I waved him over and smiled. 'Hey whats up?' I asked him. 'Nothing.. It's just could you teach me something?' 'Odd question but okay👍' I say. I beckoned him to follow me to the rockside of the beach. 'Okk, soo how about I teach you how to climb?' I suggest. He nods happily.

(Arisu Pov)
I'm so excited to climb! Also scared.. 😬 I could never say it but.. I'm afraid of heights😖 anyway Usagi climbed onto a rock and beckoned me to follow. It was really steep and I was scared to fall. She slowly stood up and got onto the next rock. Yea I know this is really easy but y'know me😒 We kept on going till we were at the top of the high rocks. 'Well that was easy wasn't it?' She asks me. I was shaking and shook my head. Since it was a nice view I looked down. Bad idea. I started feeling dizzy. 'Woahh Arisu careful' Usagi rushes over to me. I accidently slipped on one of the rocks and fell😨. The last thing I saw was Usagi yelling my name before my vision went black.

(Usagi Pov)
'ARISU!!' I screamed. Oh my god, I can never get a break can I? I carefully jumped off the rocks and went to find him. Man can't even climb🙄. Whatever. I found him unconscious on one of the low rocks. I picked him up bc I'm mega strong😼💪and went to find Chishiya our local doctor even though he insulted me.😡

(Chishiya Pov)
I was making another one of my magic unicorn bombs when my door burst open. 'Chi, Arisu fell off a high rock and he's unconscious, can you do something?' Usagi pants. 'Mk' I reply and took Arisu from Usagi. She thanked me and headed back to her own room. I grabbed some rope and tied him up. Maybe I could use him as an experiment for my magic unicorn bombs🤔🦄. I bandaged his head and left him to rest while I made more bombs.

(Arisu Pov)
I woke up and groaned. My head hurt a lot and I couldn't move my arms. I looked around and it turns out I'm in Chishiya's room. 'You're awake' he says bluntly. Then out of his pocket, he took out this colourful ball. He threw it at me and suddenly it was smoky and I couldn't see. 'Cough cough splspsl cough cough SHIYA WHAT DID YOU spsl DO?!' I spluttered. He smirked and then gave me a mirror. Holy sht everything was blue and a bunch of different colours. 'My new weapon' he grinned. 'Thanks' and he let me go, looking like a clown☠️. I ran to my room in hopes no one would spot me, had a shower and went to bed.

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