Arisu's Birthday!🎉🎂

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(Modern AU)
(Arisu Pov)
I woke up in a great mood, because it was my birthday!🥳 I rolled outta bed, did my morning routine and went to play with my new dog - Poofer. Usagi said it was a childish name, as if I cared🙄. I was gonna invite - Karube, Chota, Chishiya, Tatta, Kuina, Ann and Niragi. I didn't really like him based on what he did to Usagi but she told me to forget about it, it was in the Borderlands anyway and maybe he's different in the real world.

I set up some balloons and before you call me childish, yes I'm having a party go cry abt it. Poofer was dashing around, wondering why the apartment was so colourful. Lastly I cleaned, decorated and sparkled the rooms. I then took my phone outta my pocket and scrolled around for a bit.

Ding dong 'Arisu get the door!' Usagi yelled from another room. She was probably doing her make-up. I opened the door and it turned out to be...---!! Chota and Tatta!!✨️ Karube is always late and I didn't expect Chishiya to come anyways. I welcomed them in and put on some music, all parties should have music and if yours doesn't then too bad too sad🤷‍♀️. They played with the balloons and ate some sweets, even with only three people we still had fun tilll there was a knock on the door.

'Fuckin hell, open the damn door!' I heard from outside. Jesus😟. I ran to get the door but before I could open it, he bashed it open anyways. Niragi. Usagi came over with a make-up brush still in her hand and blinked in a state of shock. 'Niragi, that door was oh so expensive' she said with a kinda crazy glint in her eyes. He was dead meat. 'Aha you can't do shit to me woman!' he said proudly even tho you could tell he was nervous. She held on to the brush tightly and started chasing him around the apartment. Tatta and Chota were giggling on the couch from entertainment and throwing candy at each other🍬.

Suddenly Poofer sneaked up on Niragi who was catching his breath and bit his lower leg. 'ARGH FUCKIN BITCH' he screamed. He tried to pry off the fluffy poof-ball but to no avail. He swung his leg around but he still clung on. Niragi's jeans were starting to rip😦. Usagi finally found them and started laughing her ass off at the sight.

Ding dong 'emo ass get away from me!' 'Says the one who looks haiwaiin' 'um excuse me? Nobody can insult my bestie, only me-' 'shut up we aren't friends' I ran to welcome them in even tho the door was semi-bashed in, 'them' being Chishiya, Karube, Kuina and Ann. Kuina was defending Chishiya, Karube was insulting them and Ann was unbothered as usual🙄. They walked in and immediately started chatting about something obviously I didn't understand. Niragi was dying on the ground with Poofer growling at him menacing, Usagi was trying to pry off the pomeranian while Chota and Tatta were watching the tv, mocking the actors and actresses that came up and at the same time cracking up and dying on the couch.

I sighed. This was going to be soo much fun to clean up. Usagi brought in a simple chocolate cake and made everyone sing happy birthday to me and as the usual introvert, I had to go through all of the praises and celebrations just to eat some cake😭🎂. Eventually tho everyone got tired and said goodbye, gave me some presents and left the apartment looking like a dumpster truck.

Finally at around 12am we finished cleaning and oh boy oh boy, were there rubbish and dog hair absolutely everywhere😭. I took a shower and immediately fell asleep. This was a great birthday🎊.

a/n its currently rlly late in my country and idk if I will approve of it in the morning but likke whatever. Lame asf excuses😭. Hope u enjoyed ig<33

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