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TYSM FOR 400 VIEWS!!! AHH!!! 💗💗💗
A sequel to aib's chatfic 'caught' c:

(School au!! Contains swearing🤭)

(Arisu Pov)
I shut my phone off and sighed. I guess it was time to rat myself out. I hated lying and it was unbearable to do wrong things without literally accidently snitching on myself. I ran down the steps towards the principal's office and barged open the door. Inside, the vice pr. was telling off Chishiya while he stood there awkwardly, fidgeting with his hoodie zipper. The principal was in shock that I had actually come down but nevertheless told me he would give me a few weeks of detention and some papers to sign just for using 'vulgar language🙄.'

(Chishiya Pov)
Stupid fucking ughhh. I will seriously punch the shit out of Karube and the others for getting me into trouble, when all I wanted to do was finish the exam. He phoned my parents and told them to make sure I was watching 'kid friendly programs' like bro. I'm 19 ffs. My dad sure as hell will be disappointed. A bit later the rest came down because they knew if they didn't they'd probably get an even worse punishment. The vice principal told them off soo many times I was literally about to fall asleep listening to the same shit over and over again.

(Ann Pov)
My phone was pinging so loudly I bet I would've been caught if I hadn't turned on do not disturb. I finished my test paper and walked out of class once the bell rang. Then I took out my phone and started scrolling through the messages as my eyes widened in shock. I was kinda expecting it tbh but the fact Chishiya got caught is hilarious. I strolled down the halls with none of my group in sight because they were sent to the principal's office, took out some books I had borrowed from the school and studied in the library until lunch was over.

Detention time 😨😭

(Chishiya Pov)
I sat down in one of the seats and started to revise over my notes for an upcoming test. I glanced around the room, most of our group and a few random guys were in here while the teacher left us, leaving us bored as fuck. I accidently dropped one of my notes and bent down to pick it up when I clashed heads with one of the guys behind me. 'Oi! Shithead blondie, what the fuck is your problem!?' He yelled at me. Everyone's eyes were on me and I slightly panicked. I seriously hated attention. Instead I was calm and apologized but apparently! THAT WASN'T FUCKING ENOUGH!!!

Once I was seated and gone back to revising, he leaned forward and pulled my hair. I groaned and whacked him super hard with one of my books. His friends looked stunned as blood ran down his nose, struggling to stop the flow. They stood up angrily and were about to head over to me when suddenly Kuina grabbed one of her pencils and chucked it at the boys. They looked furious and that was seemingly enough for them to leave me be. I'll call them the gang.

They tried to attack her but failed miserably ending in one of the guys getting full on kicked in the balls. He shrieked and slumped against the wall, literally dying on the floor. Karube, Arisu and Usagi jumped up from their desks and started helping to beat the shit outta them. Chota and Tatta were frozen on the spot, absolutely terrified as I stood there, watching chaos erupt in the classroom.

A teacher finally walked in and screamed, got a bunch of staff to separate them and suspended them for a week. I got a suspension for three days but honestly, who cares? With the group on my side, everything in this shitty world could be exciting. Even detention and suspension couldn't stand a chance.

a/n boo!! This book has been dead for a bit. Its mostly bc when a chapter has a few views i get very unmotivated. Hope you enjoyed this ig, check out my other books!! ✨️💗🤭😍 slay all day🌇🌟

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