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(Borderlands au!)

(Ann Pov)
Hatter said he was starting to get suspicious of Chishiya and that maybe he could be the traitor. To be fair, he was always lurking around in the shadows so I called over all the executives, including Chishiya for a meeting.

(Chishiya Pov)
I wonder what Ann wants. Man I really want those cards. She turned on the camera and waited for everyone to settle down. 'Alright, so I don't think anyone knows but somebody has stolen Hatter's cards and we need to find out who they are, so we're going to check the cameras and discuss who the traitor could be. And my suspicions are Chishiya so lets have a look at him ok?' She looked at me as I blinked confusedly. I didn't even find the hiding spot, who would dare take my cards😡?!

The camera went to show when Kuina had confronted me into painting our nails together. Oh shit. Then it showed Last Boss getting dragged by Kuina and the two of us kidnapped, trying to paint our fingernails. The executives looked stunned. 'Umm that was quite unexpected' Ann muttered. I rolled my eyes and carried on watching. It showed Kuina letting us go and skipping to find Niragi. This time Niragi had a pissed look on his face as he watched himself and Aguni on the screen. Kuina was holding something behind her back but I couldn't see it that well for an odd reason.

Then she threw it at Niragi as my eyes widened. She wasted my precious bombs on that ugly jackass. Everyone in the room looked petrified of the girl with dreadlocks as Ann turned off the camera. 'I guess Chishiya isn't the traitor, sorry' she sighed. Hatter looked frustrated and said 'Me and Aguni will look at the cameras privately, the meeting is called off!' He tried to look optimistic but you could literally feel the awkward tension in the room.

I went to go find Kuina, she wasted my bomb that could have saved your life? But no! She wasted it on that rats ass. Omfg. I practically smashed open her door and threw one of my magic sparkly unicorn bombs right at her bitch ass face. She was applying make up tho soo her face turned pink but that doesn't matter.

'Oh my gosh Kuina, your so embarrassing did you know? They all saw me paint our nails with you and why the fuck did you waste a bomb on Niragi?! What the fuck did he do?? And-' 'jesus fuckin christ shiya, calm down😭😭, also why are u defending niragi huh😏😏?' I sighed angrily and sat down at her bed. 'It doesn't matter that it was Niragi, why the fuck would u waste a bomb?' I mumbled. She smiled and went to sit next to me. 'Thanks I look like a mop now anyways, Niragi is danger remember? I was bored, now scram!' She made a shooing gesture but I didn't leave just yet.

'Could I sleep in the same room? Sorry to bother but its 9:30pm and the militants won't let me go after staying out past the curfew' I explained tiredly. 'Your lucky I love you, sleep on the floor' as she rolled onto her bed in a flash and started snoring . I shoved a few pillows on the ground and fell asleep immediately.

a/n kuina loves chishiya platonically ok😭 anyways umm i just woke up so emm sorry if this is crappy, slay all day😘😘

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